Friday, November 23, 2007

Hubby Quitting Smoking....hmmm.

Dedicate to my hubby....
Congratulation dear coz berjaya menahan nafsu for 5 days from smoking.Believe it or not terpaksa juga percaya my hubby decided to quit smoking.Bila dengar hubby buat decision ni I'm quit impressed that he makes healthy change in his life.Bravo hubby...
Yang aku pelik why suddenly, dia buat this decision?pelik gak kan...tapi bila dia cakap sejak2 dua menjak dia baca macam2 negative about this smoking habit..dia jadi takut lah....sebab kesannya dah ada 5% dalam diri dia....n dia bagitau better quit before terlambat..Alahmdulilah.....berjaya juga bebelan aku selama nie...yang telah mengharamkan rokok di dalam rumah dan kereta sejak wujudnya nyer my princess Aina.

Pendapat aku lah,bila hubby said that dia nak quit from smoking kita jangan gelak dulu kot,tapi aku dah gelak dulu bila dia cakap nak quit...sorry erk..but both hubby n wife kena ambil bahagian bagi sema Did you also know that if you quit smoking, these health benefits of quitting for your body would begin to happen almost immediately?

• 20 minutes after you quit smoking your blood pressure and pulse return to normal.

• 8 hours after you stop smoking, the nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood are reduced by fifty percent. Oxygen levels in your body return to normal after you stop smoking.

• 24 hours after you quit smoking, your body rids itself of carbon monoxide. The lungs begin to clear out mucus and smoking debris after you quit smoking.

• 48 hours after you stop smoking, you will not have any nicotine in your body. Your sense of taste and smell will be much stronger after you stop smoking.

• 72 hours after you quit smoking, you will be able to breathe much easier. Your bronchial tubes will start to relax. Your energy level will increase after you have quit smoking for only 72 hours.

• 2 to 12 weeks after you stop smoking, the circulation in your body increases.

• 3 to 9 months after you quit smoking, any breathing problems, coughs, and wheezing will improve. Your lung capacity will be increased by 10% in 3 to 9 months after you stop smoking.

• 5 years after you stop smoking, your risk of a heart attack is going to be half the risk of a smoker's.

• 10 years after you quit smoking, your risk of a heart attack will be the same as someone who never smoked. Your risk of lung cancer is going to be half of that of a smoker's. The health benefits of quitting smoking are very important as you can see here.

When you stop smoking, you will change the course of your life. The health benefits of quitting smoking start immediately. However, it will take time for your body to heal all the way back to normal. The health benefits of quitting are immense. However, health is only one of the reasons to quit smoking. In fact, there are many other reasons to quit smoking such as the ability to taste food better, fewer sore throats and better looking skin and teeth.

Before you look at the challenges and think that you cannot meet them, ask yourself if you are really willing to choose lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease over a little crankiness or the blues. You are not going to choose cancer over a little stress, are you? The health benefits of quitting are going to last you a lifetime. The challenges will ease up within a few weeks.
ngat n motivation n support him.

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