Tapi kekadang tu,bukan kita sedar pun macam mana cara kita duduk kan?Janji selesa......! Erm...cara senang nak bagi selesa just letak bantal yang comel untuk back up belakang pinggang kitakan?
Kenapa kita perlu amalkan posture duduk yang betul?
Ketika duduk, kepala dan punggung mestilah berada dalam garisan yang lurus. Ini adalah supaya berat badan anda disokong sepenuhnya oleh punggung. Ini dapat menghindari dari menghadapi sakit belakang.
Benefits of Good Posture
•Helps keep bones and joints in correct alignment so muscles can be used properly.
•Helps to decrease abnormal wear and tear of joint surfaces that could result in arthritis.
•Decreases stress on ligaments holding joints of the spine together.
•Prevents the spine from becoming fixed or restricted in abnormal positions.
•Prevents fatigue as muscles are used more efficiently.
•Prevents repetitive strain or overuse syndromes.
•Prevents backache, muscular spasm, and headaches.
•Helps you look strong and confident.
Common Contributors of Poor Posture
•Weak muscles
•Tight muscles
•Decreased flexibility
•Prolonged static positions
•High heeled shoes
•Foot pronation (flat feet)
•Poor ergonomic work setup
•Poor sitting and standing habits
Credit to : Infosihat.com & torontochiropractor.ca/posture.

1 comment:
memang kita ni kadang duduk ikut macamana rasa selesa je..tapi..kalau naik kereta lama-lama.., biasa akak letak bantal ke kat belakang bila dah rasa lengoh tu..:)
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