"Wah..pandainya Aina menari" ...
Ayat-ayat pujian aku bila Aina start nak dancing bila dengar jer lagu rancak.
" Wah..pandai Aina lukis"
Bila Aina start conteng2 paper dengan color pencil..dgn harapan ..mesti nanti anak aku pandai melukis.Padahal dah memang tabiat budak2 pantang nampak pencil start lah...buat kejer lain..kadang2 habis satu badan dia dengan contengan pen.
" Wah..pandai nya Aina nyanyi"
Bila dia start menyanyi lagu yg kerap dia dgr macam ABC,Twinkle Twinkle..padahal...ntah apa2 bahasa...hanya dia jer yg faham.Dalam hati pandai juga anak aku menyayi.W/pun aku tak teringin langsung anak aku jadi seorang penyanyi.
Siapa tak nak anak yg berbakat or Gifted or genius kan....
Tapi tak semua kanak-kanak tu berbakat sebenarnya.Tetapi pada aku setiap kanak2 tu ada kebolehan masing-masing. Only one in 100 consider highly gifted.
Macam mana tu erk.....walaupun sekarang nie pelbagai teknik ada untuk menjadi anak2 kita cerdas,pintar, lagi berbakat e.g infant-stimulate techniques,educational DVD/CD, learning toys n pelbagai class to enrich their knowledge bukan faktor yg menambah bilangan gifted kids. Sebabnya, You can't build giftedness; it's mostly built in.
True giftedness may be as rare as Einsteins and Mozarts, but the good news is that there's loads you can do to help your child reach her full potential. Even better: Whether young children are truly advanced or happily average (where they have lots of company), in the early years they need pretty much the same things. To raise a happy, emotionally healthy kid, follow these five steps to success:
'Gifted' is often misunderstood," says Julia Roberts, director of the Center for Gifted Studies at Western Kentucky University. "People don't always recognize a gift because they're expecting a prodigy." And parents whose kids are "highly capable" or "advanced" in one area or another may not feel satisfied until somebody official labels it "gifted."
In the first three years of life, all children need to feel a sense of security and attachment. Being held, being loved, and having one's basic needs met are all critical for future learning
Provided a predictable life with a reasonably ordered environment
Held and touched often
Talked to (or sung to) often
Read to frequently
Exposed to interesting experiences
Given many opportunities to learn through play.
What even chart-busting toddlers and preschoolers don't need are special "gifted" programs or learning tools such as flash cards, educational DVDs, or brain-building computer games. There's no evidence that this "edu-tainment" does anything to boost children's intellectual ability.
Most educators believe kids don't benefit from academically oriented preschools, either. Far more important is having opportunities to explore without constraint -- and teachers and parents who know how to keep learning fun.
That's what Jackie Brezinski of Apple Valley, Minnesota, did. She credits talking to 21-month-old Seth and reading to him from infancy for his big vocabulary. "I talk a lot. I tell him what we're doing, what we're eating, where we're going," she says. Now he wants to "read" the books to her.
Building on ability is known as "scaffolding." It means presenting experiences that are challenging but not overwhelming and doing it in a positive, supportive way to help the child reach the next level, higher than she could on her own, explains Schader. For example, if your child asks about a stop sign, you can describe the sign and explain its meaning. Point out the letters S-T-O-P. Later, you can point out an "S" on a store name, then ask if she can find some more.
Enrichment doesn't have to cost money. There's learning in practically everything you do with a young child.
the relationship between a child and his parents and teachers shapes his attitude toward learning. Aim to be a gentle guide, not a high-pressure coach. "Rather than ask, 'Is this kid counting better than others?' ask, 'Am I supporting what's interesting and exciting to my child?' " says Alison Steier, Ph.D., director of clinical training at the Arizona Institute for Early Childhood Development.