Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Planning( 1 Feb n CNY )
On Federal Day...Friday till Sunday we decided to go back to hubby hometown "Tasek Gelugor,Penang"...lagipun masa mak dia balik from Mecca hari tu kitaorg tak balik pun...tulah sebab kena balik nie...mak dia dah dok bebel kat dia...anak mami lah katakan.....ishhhhh.
Ada can lah aku ajak hubby pi merayau kat Island....boleh shopping moping skit...
Never mind lah...coz aku dah plan oledi to go back my hometown (Gemas) pulak on CNY...hahahha....hubby on jer...maybe on next Friday kitaorg bertolak..coz on 1st CNY....collect angpow maaa...our friends suruh pi beraya rumah depa....mak aku pun dah bising last balik raya haji hari tu...bukan aper sebenarnya nak tengok cucu lah tu...lagi2 Aina dah berjalan..excited lah depa.
P/s : susah betui kahwin "Utara Selatan" nie..boleh pokai kitaorg kalo every month kena balik....
Pap Smear

What is the sample checked for?
The cells on the slide are checked for signs that they're changing from normal. Cells go through a series of changes before they turn into cancer. A Pap smear can show if your cells are going through these changes long before you have cancer. Cervical cancer is not life-threatening if it's caught early. This is why getting regular Pap smears is so important.
What do the results mean?
A negative Pap smear means that your results are normal. A positive Pap smear means that your results aren't normal. A positive Pap smear can be a sign of a number of changes in the cells on your cervix:
Inflammation (irritation). This can be caused by an infection of the cervix, including a yeast infection, infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV) or herpes virus, or many other infections.
Very early signs of cancer. These changes are called dysplasia.
More serious signs of cancer. These changes affect the top layers of the cervix but don't go beyond the cervix. This is called "carcinoma in situ."
More advanced cancer.
When should I have Pap smears?
You should have your first Pap smear when you start having sex or by age 18.Continue having a Pap smear once a year until you've had at least 3 normal ones. After this, you should have a Pap smear at least every 3 years, unless your doctor thinks you need them more often. Keep having Pap smears throughout your life, even after you've gone through menopause.Certain things put you at higher risk of cervical cancer. Your doctor will consider these when recommending how often you should have a Pap smear.If you're older than 65, talk with your doctor about how often you need a Pap smear. If you've been having Pap smears regularly and they've been negative, you may not need to keep having them.
How reliable is the test?
No test is perfect, but the Pap smear is a reliable test. It has helped drastically lower the number of women who die of cervical cancer.Sometimes the test may need to be redone because there were not enough cells on the slide. The lab will tell your doctor if this happens.ThinPrep, PAPNET and FocalPoint are ways to make Pap smears more accurate. ThinPrep is a way of preparing the sample of cells that makes it easier to spot abnormalities. PAPNET and FocalPoint are computer systems that help lab technicians find abnormal cells. These options may not be available in all areas, and they may increase the cost of a Pap smear.
What should I do before the test?
Plan to have your test done at a time when you aren't having your menstrual period. Don't douche, use a feminine deodorant or have sex for 24 hours before the test.
Monday, January 28, 2008
***Layan ....Blues*****

Sunday, January 27, 2008
My SIL's maid has run way that morning..she working for her for close two years oledi.Pening...wo SIL aku tue...n aper yg aku dgr dia lari ngan maid tue dah kahwin pun..n she has a husband and son at Indon.Aku selalu borak dgn dia nie...n memang close with my SIL's family...yerlah dah 2 years kejer kat sini....mana tau boleh jadi cam aku tido lah rumah depa last night sebab kebetulan husband dia skg kat Morocco.SIL aku quite disappointed b'coz she has treated that maid macam ahli keluarga sendiri...n didn't expect the maid to run away.And my hubby pun temankan sis dia buat police report.SIL called the agency n need to wait another 6 month for new maid from Indon.The major problem is....bukan pasal kerja rumah tapi she worried about her daughter yg OKU tu...sape nak take care semasa sekolah coz selama nie maid tu yg dok temankan dia kat sekolah.Terpaksalah SIL aku tu ambik cuti sekejap.....
Sunday,27th Jan 2008
Wake up early today....coz I've the class at UKM Bangi this morning ...n da class start on 8am.Ingat nak tinggalkan Aina dgn SIL's maid, tapi dah lari terpaksa lah bawa sekali.....yer lah malas nak bawak sebab Abah dia drive n just drop by kan aku jer kat UKM..pastu pusing balik....tapi sekarang...dia dah sopan sikit duk dalam car seat tu..ikut mood dia jer..kalo baik ok..kalo tak tunggang terbalik lah car seat tu...tak nak kena ikat..tu lah yg aku risau nak tinggalkan dia alone with abah dia time drive..
Sampai jer...kat class,classmate kate lecturer send da sms inform that class cancel coz demam.Argghhhh jauh2 aku dtg nie..aku pun tgh demam nie....ishhhhhh.Nasib baik hubby tak jauh lagi n pusing baliklah pick up aku..suka bangat lah Aina tengok mama dia..masuk balik dalam kereta.
Terus balik rumah SIL n masak for lunch...lepas makan membuta ngan Aina..hubby pun sama..letih kot...aku pun bukan sihat sangat lagi nie...makin teruk pulak flu aku nie...mana taknya ubat cukup payah aku nak makan...sampai kena paksa ngan hubby aku...:-((
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
"Me...Not Feeling Well"...Ting Tong(update)

No idea to write..coz still ting tong nie...just paste da e-mail from abt 13month-old baby
"She gets better at expressing herself through words and gestures, she'll enjoy being around other children. If you take her on playdates or to the park, you may notice that she plays near other children but not really with them. Experts call this "parallel play," and it's perfectly normal for a 13-month-old who still thinks the world revolves around her. "
(betui gak nie..)
Argh...esok keje .....ting tong lagi nieeee!!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (update)
Wei geng wa nak announce that wa akhirnya berjaya on lucky draw....wei seumur hidup aku tak pernah dapat wo....tu lah excited skit nie haaaa...
Wa pun tak sangka boleh menang..tapi bila DJ announce wa punya nama...menggiggil gak..kelam kabut cari ticket vouncer tu...
oklah...nak kuar nie...nanti wa sambung balik that stories camner wa boleh menang ker.....
****Update***Ingat tak before nie wa ada bagi tahu...yg dapat vounder bernilai RM200(nasib baik free).nak dijadikan cerita masa pagi tu...kononya tak nak spent any RM kat situ tapi disebabkan misunderstanding ngan minah yg jaga counter habis lebur RM200 dalam kotak lucky draw.....rupa2nya for enter the lucky draw suppose spent RM10 per wa invest RM200 for lucky for makan2 tarak lah...terpaksa kuar RM sendiri beli vouncer lagi yerlah abis wa nak makan aper kan....
Ramainya manusia aku rasa kalah lah Jom Heboh..mana taknya company nie banyak anak crowded bagai tak ingat lah....
Bila dah leburkan RM200 dalam lucky draw memang frust....nasib baik dapat extra RM150 coz hubby friend kasi ...hehhe..tapi tak leh nak spent pun...sebab nak main game fuhhhh punya ramai org...nak spent kat food pun...dah licin semua aku decide tg last vouncer ni sumbat dalam box lucky drawn last yg last kopek nie lah menang...yg kelakarnya masa time nama wa dok disebut wa sibuk tgh BF Aina...kat tepi2 kerusi tu..lintang pukang wa lari naik atas yerlah 2, 3 kali jugak lah nama wa diumumkan....depa ingat wa dah blah.....gabra beb tak sangka boleh menang....tapi berangan jugak nak dapat..sebab sebelum tu hubby dah ajak balik...tapi aku kata tunggulah kejap dah alang2 dari pagi sampai kepetang nie..mana tau dapat....konon2 berangan nak GrandPrize ..MPV tu.....
At last...tunggu yer Tioman maybe on April kita orang sampai di sana.....nie kena saving skit nie...w/pun free tapi nak enjoy jugak...rezeki kot..sebab sebelum nie wa memang dah plan for vacation tapi tak decide ke mana....Pulau Tioman not bad aper....ok tunggu wa and family soon..Peace!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Gatal Tangan
Ah forget it....!!!
Ha....esok ader carnival company aku kat Bukit Jalil Golf Club...hahahaha...suppose staff kena beli one booklet coupon to entry, RM10 per booklet...yang syok nyer aku dapat free jer....bos aku yg baik hati tu bagi....bukan skit wei.....RM200 tu...melantak lah aku kat sana..apalagi aku contact my Sis and SIL to join da group...n depa terus confirm to follow....
Esok boleh aku bersuka ria di sana............. Peace!!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Jadilah ibu bapa yang PRIHATIN

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Aina's Growing Up..
Pantang listen the music....n fav. song is This Old Man....sure clapping bagai tak hingat punya...
Anyway, her rate of development is still on a +ve slope.Walaupun dia just start bertatih..every one in a while, she'll balance herself on her feet without support.
You know what, her voice is getting stronger and her vocab. is getting tough, along with "ba..abah.."....."ma...mama"...."ta..ta..ta"....""(she'll follow me if I say lalalala)...."yehhh"(ayat kalo dia berjaya do it something yg kira power gila susun small cube ke atas)...but the famous word is "ABAH"...tension aku...
Altho. skrg nie she still cannot walking...but I'm bettin' that she'll walking soon..which is really soon....tunggu.....
Monday, January 7, 2008
Pendidikan Khas
Selama 2 tahun dia di tempat di situ...aku tengok tak der aper perubahan pun...yg aku tahu dari SIL aktiviti2 kanak2 nie melukis mewarna melukis mewarna....dan SIL aku sendiri terpaksa menghantar daughter dia tuition semata2 untuk belajar membaca...padahal anak dia nie....bukan nya sindrom down tapi di layan seolah2 kanak2 sindrom down yg lain(sebab majoriti dalam class dia kanak2 sindrom down)..bukan aku cuba memandang rendah kepada kanak2 sindrom down tapi yg aku faham di sini...cikgu2 kat situ seolah2 mengangap anak SIL aku nie...tak seperti kanak2 normal...seolah meanaktirikan hak anak tu untuk mendapatkan education yg lebih sempurna....
SIL terpaksa ber debate dgn pentadbir sekolah untuk memasukkan daughter tu kelas normal....tapi pihak sekolah seolah2 mencabar my SIL atas alasan anak dia tidak sesuai untuk dicampurkan dgn kanak2 normal yg lain...
Pendapat aku lah kan, sewajarnya anak SIL aku tu diberikan peluang mendapatkan pendidikan yg lebih baik daripada di tempatkan di kelas khas yg mempunyai aktiviti yg ntah apa2 kalo kelas khas sekalipun takkan guru yg mengajar tak der cara untuk mendidik atau mengajar hatta mengajar membaca sekalipun.....kepada kanak2 yg dianggap seperti cacat...even pelajar buta @ bisu sendiri boleh membca inikan pula anak SIL aku tu yg hanya lemah anggota badan dan sukar untuk bertutur...
Takkan selama 2 tahun dia di kelas khas tu tak der aper perubahan?
Tahun nie...SIL aku tu berjaya dgn perjuangan nya untuk menempatkan ank dia ke kelas normal....tu pun terpaksa naik turun jabatan masuklah anak dia tu ke tahun 1 even skg nie....umur dia dah 9 tahun....tapi yg membuat SIL aku kecil hati adalah dgn pihak pentadbir sekolah yg seolah seperti mahu mencabarnya....terdapat juga segelintir ibu bapa yg memandang serong terutama bila anak SIL aku di tempatkan sekelas dgn anak2 depa...tu lah mentaliti org2 kita.....
Disebabkan itu....SIL letakkan maid dia di sekolah untuk mengawasi anak dia tu....lagi satu cerita yg aku dgr disebabkan prinsip terpaksa menempatkan anak SIL aku ke kelas normal....terdapat segelintir guru di situ seolah2 tidak sedar @ buat2 tidak sedar kewujudan anak SIL aku di dalam kelas @ sekolah.Yg kesiannya budak tu..lah..n skg she's become more sensitive dan mudah menangis...n SIL aku tu bertambah tertekan dgn keadaan nie...dah lah her husband bukan org Malaysia....n selalu ulang Morrocco Malaysia...dan yg terpaksa handle SIL aku alone lah....
moral of the story...yes memang Education System kat Malaysia yg terbaik di dunia,dan terdapat maktab khas untuk mengeluarkan guru2 yg berkaliber terutama mendidik anak2 OKU...yes memang terdapat anak2 OKU yg memang telah berjaya dengan sistem pendidikan...skg..tapi bukan semua.....segelintir sahaja...tapi macam mana dgn yg segelintir lagi ingin meneruskan perjuangan mereka kalo masih lagi terdapat segelintir manusia....yg menjalankan tanggungjawab mereka seperti tidak IKHLAS.???
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Tadi pagi gotong royong ngan hubby bersih kan rumah terasa duk umah baru lak...semua furniture kitaorg tukar tempat...tukar permandangan sikit...satu rumah aku aku mop hari nie..waaaa...rajinnya aku.......
Baru terasa aman duk umah nie...sedap mata memandang...sejuk rasa.......tengok umah aku teratur semua barang...yelah...weekdays mana lah aku sempat nak wat cam nie segala......hari2 cuti nielah rumah aku nie berseri2....
Aina biasa lah dengan toys n books dia tu...w/pun demam sikit tetap tak reti diam...dan asyik nak mengempeng jer....pantang aku duduk...terus duk kat riba selak2 baju mama dia nak nenen...dah pandai dah lay down sendiri atas riba aku nak mintak nenen.....nak..nak...tu lah ayat power dia skg...dia sebenarnya dah boleh dah berjalan tadi dah 5...6 langkah aku tengok tapi lepas tu terus duduk takut lagi kot..tak per Aina slow key baby!!!
Nie kejer aku tengah boring da...But I like it!!
Your Body Image is 8% Unhealthy, 92% Healthy |
![]() You have a great body image. You know that no one looks perfect, and you're happy the way you are. Also, you don't judge other people on their looks... and it helps them feel better about their own bodies! |
Friday, January 4, 2008
Save on splurge

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Why people nowadays always thinking about money especially...sebab jawapan nyer senang jer kan...dunia sekarang memang dunia duitan....
MOTIVATION for me.....
(nampaknya aku lah yang kena motivate kan diri aku sendiri)
Don't make your goals too easy; you'll be cheating yourself.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Goal Setting 2008...

- Increase my monthly income 90% per month.(I know I can do it!!!dan dalam kearah itu..)
- I MUST allocate my income to saving account at least 10% from gross income.
- I MUST allocate my money to my mum secukupnya.(insyaAllah...harap2)
- I MUST get more than 3.5 pointer this semester.
- To be a good mother,wife and daughter.
- To be a good worker and IKHLAS dengan aper kerja yg aku lakukan.
- Menunaikan tanggungjawab sebagai hambaNya dengan sempurna.
- Buka buku balik about cooking esp. in pastry.
- Banyakkan membaca at least one book per month.
- Dapat menunaikan semua yang aku list down and enjoy my life. seadanya.
There are two worlds: the world that we can measure with line and rule, and the world that we feel with our hearts and imagination. (Leigh Hunt)
There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to be in the first group; there is less competition there.... ( Indira Ghandi )
You must do the thing you think you cannot do. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Goodbye 2007 and Welcome 2008
Walaupun aku tahu ada some wishlist yg tak kesampaian last year, I'll continue to bring my wishlist last year untuk direalisasikan this year.
Aku dah senaraikan 10 wishlist for this year harap2 semua tu akan tercapai.Semua perancangan aku dah senaraikan dan insyaAllah akan terlaksana.
New year eve just celebrate kat rumah SIL coz condo dia betul2 opposite KLCC try ambil gambar masa bunga api tapi tak clearlah hampeh....