Thursday, August 30, 2007
Holiday Mood
Selamat Hari Merdeka semua,esok start cuti sampai Monday balik N9 n Segamat, kampung aku ler, cousin kahwin.Bengang le hubby aku tu,sebenarnya ikut kan dia nak balik Penang , tapi aku tak peduli yelah this year raya turn dia kat Penang, so cuti nie balik kampung aku ler.Aku cakap ngan dia cuba tanya Aina nak ikut mama ke abah?Mesti Aina cakap nak ikut mamalah!!!Nasib baik tak tahu cakap lagi kalo tak lagi bengang Abah dia.
Balik esok pagi bertolak awal sikit lah,takut jem kat Senawang,kat Bukit Putus, dah lah hubby aku tu anti jem, lagilah buat muka toye dia kang.
Banyak pulak lah kerje kat office nie,aku punya Asst Manager time nielah sibuk tu tak siap nie tak siap,Hubby aku senang jer sound kat dia "nak berak baru korek lubang" hehheeh kena sekalik...kihkihkih...
Petang nie bawak Aina pi buat check up kat KPMC semalam dah buat appointment ngan ENT,sebab telinga dia keluar liquid mcm flu,maybe effect from flu dia kot,tapi tgk dah kurang sikit,aku dok lah telefon Pusat Rawatan Islam kat Puchong tu patutlah tak dapat,sebab dah tutup rupanya.ish..ish..baru aku tahu..
Aku tengah sakit gigi nie, tapi malas nak pi clinic. telan pil Hurix tadi ok lah sikit.Kena pi jugak nie,macam berlubang jer...pi tampal n suruh dia cuci sekalik...ishhhh...duit lagi.Arghhhhh....buat klinik kerajaan murah ek,bila lah aku nak pi..sana...menunggu lagi....bab nie lah yang aku malas.
Malam nie,nak pi maner?malam merdeka nie?Giant Bandar Kinrara baru buka,memang nak beli pampers Aina nie...tak kuasa aku nak tgk fireworks tu, baik membuta kat rumah..ishhh tak patriotik lah aku nie....Tak per yang penting semangat patriotik tu walaupun tak nampak dalam hati kita jer yang tahu.Bukan aper malas nak bawak Aina keluar malam kesian kat dia.
Balik esok pagi bertolak awal sikit lah,takut jem kat Senawang,kat Bukit Putus, dah lah hubby aku tu anti jem, lagilah buat muka toye dia kang.
Banyak pulak lah kerje kat office nie,aku punya Asst Manager time nielah sibuk tu tak siap nie tak siap,Hubby aku senang jer sound kat dia "nak berak baru korek lubang" hehheeh kena sekalik...kihkihkih...
Petang nie bawak Aina pi buat check up kat KPMC semalam dah buat appointment ngan ENT,sebab telinga dia keluar liquid mcm flu,maybe effect from flu dia kot,tapi tgk dah kurang sikit,aku dok lah telefon Pusat Rawatan Islam kat Puchong tu patutlah tak dapat,sebab dah tutup rupanya.ish..ish..baru aku tahu..
Aku tengah sakit gigi nie, tapi malas nak pi clinic. telan pil Hurix tadi ok lah sikit.Kena pi jugak nie,macam berlubang jer...pi tampal n suruh dia cuci sekalik...ishhhh...duit lagi.Arghhhhh....buat klinik kerajaan murah ek,bila lah aku nak pi..sana...menunggu lagi....bab nie lah yang aku malas.
Malam nie,nak pi maner?malam merdeka nie?Giant Bandar Kinrara baru buka,memang nak beli pampers Aina nie...tak kuasa aku nak tgk fireworks tu, baik membuta kat rumah..ishhh tak patriotik lah aku nie....Tak per yang penting semangat patriotik tu walaupun tak nampak dalam hati kita jer yang tahu.Bukan aper malas nak bawak Aina keluar malam kesian kat dia.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Mandarin Part III
This weekend busy bangat,hampir lupa pulak about my language study.
Today,about "Time"=shí jiān
miǎo zhōng - second
fēn zhōng - minute
xiǎo shí - hour
tiān- day
xīng qī- week
yuè- month
zǎo chén- morning
zhōng wǔ- noon
xià wǔ- afternoon
xīng qī yī- Monday
xīng qī èr- Tuesday
xīng qī sān- Wednesday
xīng qī sì- Thursday
xīng qī wǔ- Friday
xīng qī liù- Saturday
xīng qī tiān- Sunday
Today,about "Time"=shí jiān
miǎo zhōng - second
fēn zhōng - minute
xiǎo shí - hour
tiān- day
xīng qī- week
yuè- month
zǎo chén- morning
zhōng wǔ- noon
xià wǔ- afternoon
xīng qī yī- Monday
xīng qī èr- Tuesday
xīng qī sān- Wednesday
xīng qī sì- Thursday
xīng qī wǔ- Friday
xīng qī liù- Saturday
xīng qī tiān- Sunday
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ronda2 ke Time Square
Pagi tadi pi daftar Semester 2 kat OUM ambil module...ader pulak Pameran Buku,sempatlah jenguk2 jap,sebenarnya ader daftar kan Aina untuk masuk Pertandingan Bayi Comel tapi malas nak menunggu kita org balik jer....tak tahu nak pi mana ,singgah lah kejap kat Time Square pi makan Mc D and jalan2,ingat tak nak shopping tapi tiba2 tgk ader sales kat Metrojaya,dapatlah Jeans sehelai .....yg seronoknya tu pinggang ku sudah ramping dulu 33 inch sekarang boleh pakai jeans 31 inch....hehehhehe...hubby aku jeles lah tu ...sebab perut dia tu macam org mengandung 3 bulan...sian dia...
Sempat gak dia capai cap ,hega cap, jer aku dah boleh beli pampers Aina..:-(
Alamak ader handbag colors murah sangat ....tapi aku dok belek2 tapi tak ambil rasa rugi pulak...aku tengok minah2 arab tu semua melonggok kat situ duk belek2 sama2...ishhhhhhhh menyesal nyer tak ambil...lama wo tak beli handbag nie....sejak ader Aina.....tak pelah tunggu gaji masuk....sabar2
Merungut laki aku ngan aku...samapi ta larat dia dok berjalan nasib baik Aina dok tidoq dalam stroller tu.....mana tak nya...cari sandal tapi semua aku tak berkenan,yg aku suka hega tak ingat punya!!tak pelah cari ka SOGO jer lah nanti...
Penat berjalan ....singah rumah SIL jap...bukan kejap jer siap tidoq petang kat sana.....letih bangat...
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Versi Tok Mak dah balik and Ayu Kahwin

Ayu & Radzi
Sedih lah...Tok Mak dah balik ,tu lah Aina sombong sangat ngan Tok Mak kan Tok Mak dah balik,yelah cuti sekolah pun dah abis Ucu pun kena pi sekolah..takpe next week merdeka Day PH kita balik kampung yer Aina boleh main ngan Tok Abah pulak.Sebelum hantar mak aku naik bas kat PUDU pukul 12 tengah hari sempat lah kita org breakfast kat LOtus sebelah Citibank tu,pastu ronda2 Ampang Park jap,mak aku nak sangat pi First Lady Butik tu,ishhh sempat lagi shopping moping tu.....dapat lah adik bongsu aku sepasang baju raya...sengih lah dia.................
Lepas hantar mak terus kitaorg pi Shah Alam lalu NKVE cepat skit,coz ex-classmate Uitm kahwin "Selamat Pengantin Baru Ayu!!"la ingat ramai lah member lama datang tapi yg aku nampak aku n Padel jer.....emmmmmmmmm....Heny tengah sarat tu sebab tu tak datang tunggu masa jer nak meletup.
Ishhh..penat betui...balik Shah Alam terus balik rumah jer..tak larat lah nak merayau lagi.kul 3 lebih sampai rumah sempat lah membuta dengan Aina.
Lapar pulak perut nie,tak puas kot makan nasi minyak.Puas fikir nak makan kat ner sebab malas nak memasak,teringat Jalan2 cari makan pi Simply Penang kat Bandar Puteri Puchong...apalagi lepas Maghrib vrooommmm..lah keta pi sana.Aku order keow tiaw sup...hubby order makanan favourite dia asam laksa lah....Aina order?Bawak bekal dia hehehe.....oklah.....sedap jugak...
Pastu balik....tidoq..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Lepas hantar mak terus kitaorg pi Shah Alam lalu NKVE cepat skit,coz ex-classmate Uitm kahwin "Selamat Pengantin Baru Ayu!!"la ingat ramai lah member lama datang tapi yg aku nampak aku n Padel jer.....emmmmmmmmm....Heny tengah sarat tu sebab tu tak datang tunggu masa jer nak meletup.
Ishhh..penat betui...balik Shah Alam terus balik rumah jer..tak larat lah nak merayau lagi.kul 3 lebih sampai rumah sempat lah membuta dengan Aina.
Lapar pulak perut nie,tak puas kot makan nasi minyak.Puas fikir nak makan kat ner sebab malas nak memasak,teringat Jalan2 cari makan pi Simply Penang kat Bandar Puteri Puchong...apalagi lepas Maghrib vrooommmm..lah keta pi sana.Aku order keow tiaw sup...hubby order makanan favourite dia asam laksa lah....Aina order?Bawak bekal dia hehehe.....oklah.....sedap jugak...
Pastu balik....tidoq..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, August 24, 2007
MPH sales

I got this two at MPH sales for card members at Great
Eastern Mall.ABC songs and words flash card For Aina.
Both of this 30% off.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Petang yang bosan

kes boring tahap gaban la nie, dok dekat tingkap dalam office tiba2 dapat idea merapu.....ambil gambar klcc..................bosan sungguh pemandangan.Tengok hutan batu month 7 Sept ader MATTA Fair kat PWTC,aku ngan hubby dah plan nak cari pakej yg sesuai untuk bercuti.....last year dah bayar booking ke Langkawi last2 cancel tak jadi pergi,yelah tgh sarat mengadung......this year nak bawak my little Aina bercuti Langkawi jugak kot...............Last eyar dapat pakej RM350 for 3 days 2 night (2 person) ok lah, Hotel 4 star depan pantai gitu,dapat kereta sewa free,ticket kabel car, breakfast for 2, pusing2 pulau...........tapi tak pi tu yg sedih tu..tahun ni kena pie jugak aku tak peduli.............
nak tengok gambar Aina duduk?


Yang pakai baju biru tu Cik Siti Khatijah ex-teacher aku masa form 3 guru kelas and yang comel kecil tu ex-Ustazah aku,masa ni dia org bawak rombongan sekolah ke aquria.Aku sempat jumpa Ustazah jer cikgu siti tak dapat jumpa la, coz aku pas this camera to my little sis. dia ikut sekali rombangan nie 1st aug lepas.Rindu betui kat cikgu2 kama aku nie.
Malam tadi aku ader class tuition kat subang Indah, sekarang susah betul nak tinggal kan Aina dengan org lain,sebab dia dah kenal org.Yang dia nak cuma aku, abah dia, kakak2 kat nursery and Uncle Alif dia jer.Tapi kalo boleh nak mama dia jugak.Memandangkan mak aku ader kat sini ingat nak tinggal kan dia ngan Tok mak dia tu,hampeh meraung tak nak.Terpaksa lah hubby aku angkut mak aku ngan Aina sekali hantar aku pi class nasib baik sejam setengah jer.Sempat la diaorg merayau kat pasar Malam Subang indah n sunway pyramid sementara aku habis ngajar.Tu pun duk peluk abah dia jer,tak nak langsung ngan Tok Mak dia,tapi duk sengih2 .....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mandarin Part II
Shu zi` = Number
0 - ling
1 - yi`
2 - er
3 - san
4 - si`
5 - wu`
6 - li`u
7 - qi`
8 - ba`
9 - ji`u
10 - shi`
0 - ling
1 - yi`
2 - er
3 - san
4 - si`
5 - wu`
6 - li`u
7 - qi`
8 - ba`
9 - ji`u
10 - shi`
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Bahasa Mandarin

Tiba-tiba tergerak hati aku untuk belajar Bahasa Mandarin,semuanya gara-gara pelajar aku yang majoritinya 99% cina.Nie sebab kes malam semalam la,bila aku suruh dia orang buat karangan ,dia orang try to translate Mandarin to Malay.mana lah aku faham Mandarin dok suruh aku terangkan.English boleh lah aku translate kan cerita dia orang.duk fikir2 bagus juga kalo aku belajar Manadrin nie,bukan ape kat office nie majoritina cina aku sorang jer tersesat kat sini,kalo depa duk ngumpat aku mana aku faham ek.Sekurang2nya kalo aku belajar Mnadarin boleh lah aku faham sikit2.
untuk hari pertama ,aku mulakan dengan word:
ni hao = hi/hello
zao shang hao = Good morning
wan an= Good night
zai jian = godbye
qing = please
xie xie = thank you
gong xi = congratulations
ying h`ai = baby
shi wu`= food
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tok Mak datang

hari ni Tok Mak dan ucu dtg....Tok Mak @ mak aku sis pi ambil kat kampung ye la skg cuti sekolah ucu ramai2 pi umah adik lelaki kitaorg kat Subang coz dia pindah rumah kuaters Bank Negara.Bujang lagi duk sorang.....alahai anak mak aku sorang nie..ngalah perempuan...rumah complete.Semalam teman kan dia pi IKEA an C4 shopping barang rumah dia.Dari senduk sampailah washing machine.lama gak lepak...sampai hubby aku sakit pinggang tolong angkat peti sejuk sampai tingkat 4...hehe..padan muka exercise skit.Aina still demam lagi monyok jer..tak nak langsung entertain diri dia......duk cari mama lain langsung tak pandang tapi ngan uncle Alif dia nak lak (adik aku ler).
oklah....kuaters but complete ngan almari 2 ,katil n tilam 2 set,kabinet, sofa,meja makan...tak yah nak pening2 kepala.Untung betui adik aku sorang nie.Bagus gak dia dok sorang....kita orang adik beradik boleh pi melepak umah dia selalu.....hehehhe
Malam nie mak tidur umah sis aku dulu, maybe tuesday night turn umah aku lak....
Nasib baik anak 4 org jer kalo ramai pening kepala mak aku..nak tido umah saper....
Abah tak datang busy jer......
Saturday, August 18, 2007
hAPPy bIRThday To Me...and Aina teething problems

Happy birthday to me....May God bless me..It's my 25th birthday.Thanks for hubby for dinner.Happy birthday to birhday?Every year same greeting and the number just changed from 17,18,19,20....25 blablabla.
Tapi hari nie, emergency leave coz Aina fever due to teething symptoms.Kesian bangat ngan dia dia...kejap panas kejap sejuk..
Today is my birthday....n need to look after my baby.She seem cracky during teething.Her fever is between [100.4° (38°) to 102° (39°).She become more fussy especially with foreign people eventhogh the person she already familiar.Aina refuse the food walaupun yer yer aku masak new recipe for her....tak der selera la tu.And Doc. give me multivitamin to increase back selera dia.Malam jgn cerita la kejap2 bangun and menangis maybe uncomfort kot.
Mana taknya,tumbuh sekali dua lak tu.
I got this info.:(
When will my baby start getting teeth?
The vast majority of babies sprout their first teeth when they're between 4 and 7 months of age. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months, while a late bloomer may have to wait until he's a year old or more. (In rare cases, a baby's first tooth is already visible at birth.) Whenever the first tooth makes its appearance, celebrate the milestone by taking pictures and noting the date in your child's baby book.Teeth actually start developing while your baby's in the womb, when tooth buds form in the gums. Teeth break through one at a time over a period of months, and often — but not always — in this order: First the bottom two middle teeth, then the top two middle ones, then the ones along the sides and back. They may not all come in straight, but don't worry — they usually straighten out over time.The last teeth to appear (the second molars, found in the very back of the mouth on the top and bottom) have usually begun coming into place by your baby's second birthday. By age 3, your child should have a full set of 20 baby teeth, which shouldn't fall out until his permanent teeth are ready to start coming in, around age 6.
What teething symptoms will my baby experience?
Experts disagree about whether teething actually causes symptoms — like fussiness, diarrhea, and fever — or whether these common symptoms are not related to teething at all and just coincidentally appear at the same time as emerging teeth. Regardless, many parents maintain that their teething babies do experience discomfort (though some babies get through the process with no problems at all). The symptoms most likely to trouble a teether include:
• Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
• Gum swelling and sensitivity
• Irritability or fussiness
• Biting behavior
• Refusing food
• Sleep problems
• Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
• Gum swelling and sensitivity
• Irritability or fussiness
• Biting behavior
• Refusing food
• Sleep problems
Though many parents report that their babies have loose stools, runny noses, or a fever just before a new tooth arrives, most experts don't think teething is to blame for these symptoms. One who does is William Sears, pediatrician and author of The Baby Book. Sears believes that teething can cause diarrhea and a mild diaper rash because your baby's excessive saliva ends up in his gut and loosens his stools. Inflammation in the gums, he thinks, may cause a low fever (under 101 degrees Fahrenheit).On the other hand, child development experts such as Penelope Leach assert that teething cannot cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, or loss of appetite and that these are signs of illness that should be checked out. Noted pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton says such symptoms are probably due to an infection unrelated to teething, but that the stress associated with teething could make your child more vulnerable to infection right before a new tooth appears.The one thing experts agree on is that you should call your child's doctor if your baby has symptoms that worry you or a rectal temperature of 101 degrees F or higher (100.4 degrees F or higher for babies younger than 3 months). The doctor can help determine whether your baby is showing signs of a problem that needs medical attention, like an ear infection. If your baby has loose stools — but not diarrhea — don't worry.
What can I do to ease my baby's discomfort?
Give your child something to chew on, such as a firm rubber teething ring or a cold washcloth. If your baby is old enough to eat solids, he may also get some relief from cold foods such as applesauce or yogurt. Giving him a hard, unsweetened teething cracker such as zwieback to gnaw on is another time-honored trick. (Avoid carrots, as they can be a choking hazard.) Simply rubbing a clean finger gently but firmly over your baby's sore gums can ease the pain temporarily, too.If these methods aren't working, some doctors recommend giving a teething baby a small dose of children's pain reliever such as infants' acetaminophen — but check with your doctor before giving your baby any medication. (Never give your baby aspirin or even rub it on his gums to ease the pain. The use of aspirin in children is associated with Reye's syndrome, a rare but potentially life-threatening condition.)You can also rub your baby's gums with a topical pain relief gel such as Orajel or Zilactin, but most pediatricians advise against it: If too much gel is used, it can numb the back of your baby's throat and weaken his gag reflex (which helps prevent him from choking on his own saliva). The gels are generally safe to use, but in rare cases can cause an allergic reaction.If drool causes a rash on your baby's face, wipe, but don't rub, the drool away with a soft cotton cloth. You can also smooth petroleum jelly on his chin before a nap or bedtime to protect the skin from further irritation.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
MIL "High Blood Pressure"
Tadi,MIL call hubby pasal her injection untuk ke Mekah akhir tahun nie, terpaksa cancel coz High Blood Pressure.Ishh..pelik sungguh aku tgk coz MIL aku cukup jaga makan pastu macam-macam ubat/vitamin dia makan.Hubby aku sibuk lah suruh cari kan petua2 yang sesuai untuk mak dia nie, tadi dapatlah satu petua minum air rebusan taugeh seminggu sekali.....ish..betui ka?
Try to surf net tadi,to get more information about this:
What is high blood pressure?
When you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, the force of blood against your artery walls is too strong. High blood pressure can damage your arteries, heart, and kidneys, and lead to atherosclerosis and stroke. Hypertension is called a "silent killer'' because it does not cause symptoms unless it is severely high and, without your knowing it, causes major organ damage if not treated.
Your blood pressure measurement consists of two numbers:
systolic and diastolic.
The systolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls when the heart has just finished pumping (contracting). It is the first or top number of a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 140 above
Prehypertension : 120 - 139
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is: 119 or below
The diastolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. It is the second or bottom number in a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 90 or above
Prehypertension : 80 - 89
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is:79 or below
What causes high blood pressure?
In most cases, a doctor may not be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your high blood pressure. But several factors are known to increase blood pressure, including obesity, heavy alcohol use, family history of high blood pressure, high salt intake, and aging. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake, low calcium intake, and resistance to insulin may also cause your blood pressure to rise.
What are the symptoms?
Usually you will not feel any warning signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, and you will not know you have it until a health professional takes a blood pressure reading. Hypertension develops slowly and can cause serious organ damage, usually without any symptoms.
If you develop severe high blood pressure, you may have headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. Malignant high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which is hypertension that rises rapidly, can also cause these symptoms. Untreated malignant hypertension can damage the brain, heart, eyes, or kidneys. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate hospitalization.
Over time, if you do not receive treatment for your high blood pressure, you may experience symptoms caused by damage to your heart, kidney, or eyes, including coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney (renal) failure.
How is high blood pressure diagnosed?
Most people find out they have high blood pressure during a routine doctor visit. To confirm that you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure must reach or exceed 140/90 mm Hg on three or more separate occasions. It is usually measured 1 to 2 weeks apart. Except in very severe cases, the diagnosis is not based on a single measurement.
What increases my risk of developing high blood pressure?
Several factors increase your risk for high blood pressure. Some of them are lifestyle issues you can control.
Lifestyle issues you can control to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure include obesity and not being active or exercising, drinking alcohol (three drinks a day or more), eating a lot of salty or processed foods, and not getting enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium in your diet.
Risk factors you can't control include a family history of high blood pressure, your race (being African-American increases your risk), and aging. Ninety percent of people who, at age 55, do not have hypertension will eventually develop it. 1
Try to surf net tadi,to get more information about this:
What is high blood pressure?
When you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, the force of blood against your artery walls is too strong. High blood pressure can damage your arteries, heart, and kidneys, and lead to atherosclerosis and stroke. Hypertension is called a "silent killer'' because it does not cause symptoms unless it is severely high and, without your knowing it, causes major organ damage if not treated.
Your blood pressure measurement consists of two numbers:
systolic and diastolic.
The systolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls when the heart has just finished pumping (contracting). It is the first or top number of a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 140 above
Prehypertension : 120 - 139
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is: 119 or below
The diastolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. It is the second or bottom number in a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 90 or above
Prehypertension : 80 - 89
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is:79 or below
What causes high blood pressure?
In most cases, a doctor may not be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your high blood pressure. But several factors are known to increase blood pressure, including obesity, heavy alcohol use, family history of high blood pressure, high salt intake, and aging. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake, low calcium intake, and resistance to insulin may also cause your blood pressure to rise.
What are the symptoms?
Usually you will not feel any warning signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, and you will not know you have it until a health professional takes a blood pressure reading. Hypertension develops slowly and can cause serious organ damage, usually without any symptoms.
If you develop severe high blood pressure, you may have headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. Malignant high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which is hypertension that rises rapidly, can also cause these symptoms. Untreated malignant hypertension can damage the brain, heart, eyes, or kidneys. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate hospitalization.
Over time, if you do not receive treatment for your high blood pressure, you may experience symptoms caused by damage to your heart, kidney, or eyes, including coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney (renal) failure.
How is high blood pressure diagnosed?
Most people find out they have high blood pressure during a routine doctor visit. To confirm that you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure must reach or exceed 140/90 mm Hg on three or more separate occasions. It is usually measured 1 to 2 weeks apart. Except in very severe cases, the diagnosis is not based on a single measurement.
What increases my risk of developing high blood pressure?
Several factors increase your risk for high blood pressure. Some of them are lifestyle issues you can control.
Lifestyle issues you can control to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure include obesity and not being active or exercising, drinking alcohol (three drinks a day or more), eating a lot of salty or processed foods, and not getting enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium in your diet.
Risk factors you can't control include a family history of high blood pressure, your race (being African-American increases your risk), and aging. Ninety percent of people who, at age 55, do not have hypertension will eventually develop it. 1
New Recipe For Aina
Survey on net,to find new recipe for Aina this weekend,actually she already 8 month old today.
agaknya Aina dah boring ngan masakan mama,mesti dia kata dalam hati kot "ish mama nie tak der menu lain ker sama jer nasi,ikan,sayur...bla ...bla..."
Good info. that I found about Solid food Introduction Chart 6-8 Month Old
The good rule is "Watch the Baby - Not the Calendar!"
Age : Recommends only after 6 month old
Cereals: Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s). (Rices,Oats)
Fruits : After 8 Month try soft cooked fruits for beginner(pumpkins,Prune etc)
Vegetables : After 8 month try soft cooked Vege. for beginner(carrot,brocolli)
Good cuts for meat:
Chicken - Breasts (higher in protein and lower in fat), Thighs/legs (higher in iron and higher in fat)
Beef - Eye of Round roast, Top Sirloin, Lean Fresh Ground beef
Fish Dinner Recipe:(setelah diubah suai mengikut citarasa aku)No Salt!!!!!!
1 filet of any fish
1/8 cup water/milk
1/8 cup mashed peas
1/8 cup mashed carrots
1/8 cup mashed potatoes
De-bone and Cook fish by steaming(aku pilih steaming jer senang skit). Shred the cooked fish to ensure all the bones are removed. Put all ingredients in blender and blend or dice and toss ingredients together and serve as a Baby Finger Foods meal! Serve warm. (add rice to make for a really filling and nutritious meal - may be blended with these additions!)
-beras + kurma + kismis
-beras + kurma + carrot
-beras + ikan bilis (buang tulang) + bwg + halia
-beras + prune + kurma
ok gak nie (pastu blender)
bubur+ sayur bym+carrot+ikan tengiri/solmon+bunga kobis
agaknya Aina dah boring ngan masakan mama,mesti dia kata dalam hati kot "ish mama nie tak der menu lain ker sama jer nasi,ikan,sayur...bla ...bla..."
Good info. that I found about Solid food Introduction Chart 6-8 Month Old
The good rule is "Watch the Baby - Not the Calendar!"
Age : Recommends only after 6 month old
Cereals: Try mixing together the grains that your baby has had without any reaction(s). (Rices,Oats)
Fruits : After 8 Month try soft cooked fruits for beginner(pumpkins,Prune etc)
Vegetables : After 8 month try soft cooked Vege. for beginner(carrot,brocolli)
Good cuts for meat:
Chicken - Breasts (higher in protein and lower in fat), Thighs/legs (higher in iron and higher in fat)
Beef - Eye of Round roast, Top Sirloin, Lean Fresh Ground beef
Fish Dinner Recipe:(setelah diubah suai mengikut citarasa aku)No Salt!!!!!!
1 filet of any fish
1/8 cup water/milk
1/8 cup mashed peas
1/8 cup mashed carrots
1/8 cup mashed potatoes
De-bone and Cook fish by steaming(aku pilih steaming jer senang skit). Shred the cooked fish to ensure all the bones are removed. Put all ingredients in blender and blend or dice and toss ingredients together and serve as a Baby Finger Foods meal! Serve warm. (add rice to make for a really filling and nutritious meal - may be blended with these additions!)
-beras + kurma + kismis
-beras + kurma + carrot
-beras + ikan bilis (buang tulang) + bwg + halia
-beras + prune + kurma
ok gak nie (pastu blender)
bubur+ sayur bym+carrot+ikan tengiri/solmon+bunga kobis
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Didikan Sempurna
Selak-selak Pa&Ma September nie,intrested lak dengan this article from Prof. Dr. Saedah Siraj, She talked about our kids development."Anak-anak pada usia 2-6 tahun memiliki otak seumpama sebuah span".Menyerap apa sahaja yang di ajar kepada mereka.
Prof.beritahu ada 3 stages of physical develoment:
Prof.beritahu ada 3 stages of physical develoment:
- 0 - 2 tahun = critical stage dalam pemberian makanan awal (memerlukan pengasuhan yang paling sempurna)
- 2 - 5 tahun = stage mendapat cahaya akal
- 5 - 7 tahun = stages for brain development
Part yang paling aku suka baca...this part
" Sekiranya ibu bapa banayk menggunakan pendekatan yang kasar pada peringkat penyusuan MAKA MEMBESARLAH si anak sebagai seorang yang kasar."
" Sebaiknya, ketika menyusukan mereka dalam posisi yang beradab, bercakaplah perkara yang baik dengannya" coz will effect to our baby personal development.
" kanak-kanak di bawah usia 7 tahun yang selalu dimarahi akan membesar sebagai anak yang DEGIL"
Thanks Prof. for this info. to remember me, dalam mendidik seorang ANAK yang sempurna.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Educational DVDs may make babies less brainy
I got this e-mail,
Let's we share.....Not sure with this report, hopefully there have another research to proof it.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Recordings that claim to stimulate baby brain development may actually slow vocabulary development in infants if they are overused, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.
For every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants aged 8 to 16 months understood an average of six to eight fewer words than babies who did not watch them, Frederick Zimmerman of the University of Washington and colleagues found.
Older toddlers were not harmed or helped by the videos, the researchers reported in the Journal of Pediatrics.
"The most important fact to come from this study is there is no clear evidence of a benefit coming from baby DVDs and videos, and there is some suggestion of harm," Zimmerman said in a statement.
"The bottom line is the more a child watches baby DVDs and videos, the bigger the effect. The amount of viewing does matter."
Zimmerman and colleagues conducted random telephone interviews with more than 1,000 families in Minnesota and Washington with babies and asked detailed questions about television and video viewing.
Parents of the 8- to 16-month-olds were asked how many words like "choo-choo," "mommy" and "nose" their child understood. Parents of the toddlers were asked how many words like "truck," "cookie" and "balloon" their children knew.
"The results surprised us, but they make sense. There are only a fixed number of hours that young babies are awake and alert," said Andrew Meltzoff, a psychologist who worked on the study.
"If the 'alert time' is spent in front of DVDs and TV, instead of with people speaking in 'parentese'— that melodic speech we use with little ones — the babies are not getting the same linguistic experience," Meltzoff added.
"Parents and caretakers are the baby's first and best teachers. They instinctively adjust their speech, eye gaze and social signals to support language acquisition. Watching attention-getting DVDs and TV may not be an even swap for warm social human interaction at this age. Old kids may be different, but the youngest babies seem to learn language best from people."
Dr. Dimitri Christakis, a pediatrician at Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute who worked on the study, said parents frequently asked him about the value of such videos.
"The evidence is mounting that they are of no value and may in fact be harmful," Christakis said.-- Reuters Health
Let's we share.....Not sure with this report, hopefully there have another research to proof it.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Recordings that claim to stimulate baby brain development may actually slow vocabulary development in infants if they are overused, U.S. researchers reported on Wednesday.
For every hour per day spent watching baby DVDs and videos, infants aged 8 to 16 months understood an average of six to eight fewer words than babies who did not watch them, Frederick Zimmerman of the University of Washington and colleagues found.
Older toddlers were not harmed or helped by the videos, the researchers reported in the Journal of Pediatrics.
"The most important fact to come from this study is there is no clear evidence of a benefit coming from baby DVDs and videos, and there is some suggestion of harm," Zimmerman said in a statement.
"The bottom line is the more a child watches baby DVDs and videos, the bigger the effect. The amount of viewing does matter."
Zimmerman and colleagues conducted random telephone interviews with more than 1,000 families in Minnesota and Washington with babies and asked detailed questions about television and video viewing.
Parents of the 8- to 16-month-olds were asked how many words like "choo-choo," "mommy" and "nose" their child understood. Parents of the toddlers were asked how many words like "truck," "cookie" and "balloon" their children knew.
"The results surprised us, but they make sense. There are only a fixed number of hours that young babies are awake and alert," said Andrew Meltzoff, a psychologist who worked on the study.
"If the 'alert time' is spent in front of DVDs and TV, instead of with people speaking in 'parentese'— that melodic speech we use with little ones — the babies are not getting the same linguistic experience," Meltzoff added.
"Parents and caretakers are the baby's first and best teachers. They instinctively adjust their speech, eye gaze and social signals to support language acquisition. Watching attention-getting DVDs and TV may not be an even swap for warm social human interaction at this age. Old kids may be different, but the youngest babies seem to learn language best from people."
Dr. Dimitri Christakis, a pediatrician at Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute who worked on the study, said parents frequently asked him about the value of such videos.
"The evidence is mounting that they are of no value and may in fact be harmful," Christakis said.-- Reuters Health
Friday, August 10, 2007
Teletubbies(Aina's Favourite Anime)

Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po 4 characters yang terpaksa aku tgk setiap hari
Satu-satunya anime yang Aina boleh layan sampai habis satu cd.Suka sangat kalo tengok dia try to dance with teletubbies songs.Cute bangat.........................
kalo aku nak mandi ke masak ke...buka jer CD nie sure dia tak cari mama dia..................
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Why Aina's Still Got Flu and Cough?
Penat sungguh la, even dah berbotol-botol ubat aku paksa dia minum still tak ok.Maybe got infection from other kids at nursery kot.Baru nak elok...dah kena balik.
Try surf net tadi,dapat a few petua , boleh try gak nie.
Tapi, aku nie pemalas skit nak benda2 yang susah nak dapat nie....
Antara petua yang aku dapat cari ;
Petua : Melegakan Selsama Bayi dan Kanak2
Dapatkan ibu kunyit sebesar ibu jari, potong diatasnya, korek dengan paku yang sederhana besar dan sumbatkan sedikit kapur makan didalamnya, digaulkan, biar bercampur antara kunyit dan kapur tadi, dan bolehlah disapukan diatas hidung bayi, sebaiknya ketika bayi tidur..lakukan selalu, insyaallah hidung bayi tidak akan tersumbat dan boleh tidur lena.
- semoga rajin lah aku buat benda ni
Lagi satu petua yang aku dapat cari:
Petua : Anak Fasih Bercakap
Kebanyakkan ibu bapa inginkan anaknya cepat bercakap,petah dan fasih.Petuanya amat mudah, Ibubapa hendaklah selalu mengucup atau cium bibir anak2nya sewaktu kecil.dan sekiranya mampu diteruskan sehingga dewasa , ia akan menjadi taat kepada ibu bapa..Insayallah...aku suka banagt cium bibir Aina sebab comel sangat.
Petua: Ruam Panas
Daun Peria dikeringkan, panaskan air hingga mendidih dan tuang dalam baby bath tub masukkan daun peria dalamnya dan biarkan sejuk seketika barulah mandikan baby di dalamnya.
Try surf net tadi,dapat a few petua , boleh try gak nie.
Tapi, aku nie pemalas skit nak benda2 yang susah nak dapat nie....
Antara petua yang aku dapat cari ;
Petua : Melegakan Selsama Bayi dan Kanak2
Dapatkan ibu kunyit sebesar ibu jari, potong diatasnya, korek dengan paku yang sederhana besar dan sumbatkan sedikit kapur makan didalamnya, digaulkan, biar bercampur antara kunyit dan kapur tadi, dan bolehlah disapukan diatas hidung bayi, sebaiknya ketika bayi tidur..lakukan selalu, insyaallah hidung bayi tidak akan tersumbat dan boleh tidur lena.
- semoga rajin lah aku buat benda ni
Lagi satu petua yang aku dapat cari:
Petua : Anak Fasih Bercakap
Kebanyakkan ibu bapa inginkan anaknya cepat bercakap,petah dan fasih.Petuanya amat mudah, Ibubapa hendaklah selalu mengucup atau cium bibir anak2nya sewaktu kecil.dan sekiranya mampu diteruskan sehingga dewasa , ia akan menjadi taat kepada ibu bapa..Insayallah...aku suka banagt cium bibir Aina sebab comel sangat.
Petua: Ruam Panas
Daun Peria dikeringkan, panaskan air hingga mendidih dan tuang dalam baby bath tub masukkan daun peria dalamnya dan biarkan sejuk seketika barulah mandikan baby di dalamnya.
Aina's Development

Believe it or not, Aina going to 8 month already...cepat betui masa berlalu,cepat betul baby ni membesar rasa macam tak puas tengok her development.
Aku nak share sikit about Aina's Development for this month:
-Reaches for utensils when being fed -Bab ni aku kena more patient
- Aina may sleep between 11 and 13 hours a night (Mostly she can start to manja2 kat aku nak ngempeng around 8.30 pm tu dakh kira mamai lah tu)
-Rolls all the way around (Sejak tau crawling nie mana ceruk rumah abis di jelajah nya...journey in my home..heheee)
-Sits unsupported (Sometimes look funny if she is trying to cute)
-Has specific cries for various needs (this situation I need be more close with her...coz she need more attention from me)
-Babbles enthusiastically ( to eat and sleep, time to play-pandai sungguh)
-TesResponds to own name (Either call her Aina / Sara terus pusing mencari)
-Has different reactions for different family members (kejap jer ni crying but after a few minutes sure she will be friendly)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Work and baby
Working mum and have a baby....rasa nak quit jer from the job.Stay at home looking baby smile 24 hours a day, lupa segala masalah.But, nak buat camner banyak commitment need to settle up.My dreams, to be homemakers work from home, akan jadi kenyataan satu hari nanti.
Just nak share this article:
by Lisa Schulman
One of the more difficult decisions for new parents to make is determining whether to return to work or stay at home with the baby. For some, the choice is made for them, as finances warrant the fast road back to work. For others, numerous factors emerge that contribute to the final decision. No matter what the outcome, families are oftentimes plagued with guilt. A surefire way to combat this useless and taxing emotion is to accept one's own choice, while supporting the varied decisions made by other parents.
For those able to stay at home, the rewards are many. One of the most important benefits is being able to observe and contribute to the child's development. Often, parents perceive that the care provided at home is more comprehensive than the standard day care. In addition, the stay-at-home parent has the assurance that the child is being raised in a healthy, positive environment.
However, staying at home is not always an ideal answer. Delaware mother Jeannette Larock explains that, "Sometimes I feel like I've done myself a disservice because I was able to make significant contributions to the company that I worked for." While Jeannette acknowledges that her daughter "has a mom who is devoted to her needs," she also points out that her decision to stay at home continues to be a difficult inner struggle.
One of the more difficult decisions for new parents to make is determining whether to return to work or stay at home with the baby. For some, the choice is made for them, as finances warrant the fast road back to work. For others, numerous factors emerge that contribute to the final decision. No matter what the outcome, families are oftentimes plagued with guilt. A surefire way to combat this useless and taxing emotion is to accept one's own choice, while supporting the varied decisions made by other parents.
For those able to stay at home, the rewards are many. One of the most important benefits is being able to observe and contribute to the child's development. Often, parents perceive that the care provided at home is more comprehensive than the standard day care. In addition, the stay-at-home parent has the assurance that the child is being raised in a healthy, positive environment.
However, staying at home is not always an ideal answer. Delaware mother Jeannette Larock explains that, "Sometimes I feel like I've done myself a disservice because I was able to make significant contributions to the company that I worked for." While Jeannette acknowledges that her daughter "has a mom who is devoted to her needs," she also points out that her decision to stay at home continues to be a difficult inner struggle.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Being a mother....

Being a mum, somebody said the hardest part in life.For me, I know being a mum is hard...but honestly I proud to declare I'm a MUM!!I have been thinking before about I'm getting a family, become old and have children, I'm so excited but at the same time I'm SCARED.
Scared if ...I cannot be a good wife...
Scared if ...I cannot be a good mother...
Scared if ...I cannot be MYSELF...
SCARED...SCARED...Why I need to scared?
Being a good mother to my little baby girl, that is my dream..
Hopefully, I can ejoy this wonderfull moment, my baby grow ...........................
Somebody said it takes abot six weeks to get
to get back to normal after you've had a baby
That somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother
"Normal" is a history..
Somebody said "good' mother never raise
their voices
That somebody never come out the back door just
in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbour's kitchen window.
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