Thursday, December 27, 2007
Check Up Aina
Biasa lah klinik kerajaan kan....nak ambil angka giliran pun aku kena tunggu dalam setengah jam....nasib baik aku nie jenis sabar.....tak per....aku tahu..sebab apa..FREE kan...
Nasib baik masa aku ngandung dulu check up kat HUKM kalo kat sini jugak pening lah kepala aku....appt. pukul 9 no. kitaorg panggil kul 10.45 am....aduiiiih...sempat aku n hubby makan nasi lemak kat luar tu...heheheh...
Timbang berat Aina...weight dia 10 kg...tepat....patut lah lenguh bangat kalo aku dukung dia......
cuma dia nie tak boleh duk...diam lah...dah ramai orang...dok kacau org...semapat lagi duk kiss baby kat situ.....penat...aku dah lah sengugut hari nie.....P*****...letih mak.
Yang seronok kat sini aku nie suka tengok gelagat org...macam2 kerenah...ader sorang nenek nie datang naik bas jer (cina) semata2 nak check up cucu dia yg baru 9 bulan tu...siap bawak cucu sorang lagi...mak budak tu mana ntah....terkezut aku dgr.....ikut kan hati nak jer suruh hubby tumpangkan bila balik nanti kesian aku tgk..tapi bila lepas cucuk Aina aku tercari2 jugak nenek tu tak der pun...kesian erk kasih seorang nenek kepada cucunya....mana lah mak budak tu pi...takkan sanggup biar mak dia yg tua cam gitu...naik bas bawa cucu yang kecil lagi.....ishhh..tak sampai hati bila aku melihatnya...
Lagi satu yang aku geram kalo kat klinik2 kesihatan cam gini...yang pergi check up nya sorang yg datang satu kampung....kerusi hanya disediakan untuk perempuan hamil and yg bawak babay...nie yg aku tgk terbalik org yg sihat walafiat terutama husband2 yg dok sekali...berdirilah org yg mengandung....ishhh diaorg nie tak der belas kasihan langsung...lah....patut lah org kata org Malaysia nie kurang ajar....(walau tak semuanya)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Leave summarized
20 Dec
Going back to my hometown,bertolak selepas Subuh 6.30 am dan sampai around 9 am...fortunately jalan clear n tak jem...sampai jer terus bedal ketupat n lemang....dapat jugak rasa masakan pagi raya mak aku...yer lah raya puasa lepas kan beraya kat rumah MIL kat Penang mana lah ader ketupat nasi n lemang pagi2 raya...susah bangat aku nak jumpa.
Petang celebrate birhday Aina,panggil lah anak2 jiran sebelah rumah tu....buat kecil-kecilan as long sambut gak her bithday.Tapi yang dok excited nyer cousin2 dia yg dua org tu lah...macam dia org yg sambut birthday...kihkih..
21 Dec
Balik Segamat nak ziarah Tok aku,nasib baik area kampung aku ni tak dilanda flood....lama dah tak balik rumah Tok aku nie...alhamdulilah sihat jer dia.
Aina batuk teruk malam tadi sempat singgah farmasi jap beli ubat...
22 Dec
Aina still cough last night,sampai fever skit....siang tadi pi jugak clinik biasa lah clinic kat sini mana ada Specialist to kids just doc. biasa lah....setakat check cam gitu...aku pun boleh aku just mintak ubat yg masukkan kat poo poo...senang cepat kebah sikit kalo fever....
23 Dec
Still kat kampung aku....Aina still cough start pukul 12 t/malam jer mesti meraung nangis...tak tahan ngan batuk dia lah tu...batuk nyer sikit nangis nyer lebih..fever dah ok.So, aku n hubby esok kitaorg decided kena balik KL jugak supposed kitaorg rancang nak balik on Cristmas...tapi kena jumpa PAED jugak nie....kesian bangat kat dia sampai tak boleh tidor malam....
24 Dec
Balik KL...sampai terus pi jumpa PAED.. aku suggest nak sedut jer kahak tu...tapi doc. cakap kahak dia sikit jer....n paru2 dia doc. just bagi ubat batuk n antibiotik jer..ermmm....kalo tak elok jugah 2/3 hari nie...nampak nya aku ingat nak buat x-ray jugak lah...nak tengok keadaan paru-paru dia...
25 Dec
Today..lah,Selamat Hari Natal
Alhamdulilah batuk Aina nampak perubahannya.....w/pun kekadang tu....kesian gak dengar...
yang bestnya hari nie dia berjaya berjalan 4 langkah..satu permulaan yg baik...cuma sekarang nie aku tengok dia suka sangat mengamuk...Aina...Aina..
Hari nie,just pi Giant bali pampers dia n barang dapur skit....
N petang duk melepak kat umah....penat...cuti tak hilang lagi nie...n aku dapat call tadi ader satu job(freelance) aku ler...start Jan next year...lumayan gak...heheheh rezeki Aina kot..alhamdulilah...
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Eid ul-Adha
Eid al-Adha is four days long and starts on the 10th day of the month of Dhul Hijja (ذو الحجة) of the lunar Islamic calendar. This is the day after the pilgrims in Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia by Muslims worldwide, descend from Mount Arafat. It happens to be approximately 70 days after the end of the month of Ramadan.
Every year, millions of Muslims make the journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the haj, one of the five basic tenets of Islam.
Aidiladha also commemorates the sacrifices made by the Prophet Ibrahim (hence the word 'korban,' which means sacrifice in Arabic), who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by God.
Prophet Ibrahim was commanded to offer his son Ismail up for sacrifice, and though it grieved him greatly, he made ready to perform the task. However, as he was about to strike his son, God stopped him and revealed that it was a trial. Ismail's life was spared, and a ram was sacrificed in his place.
As such, during Aidiladha, the sacrifice of four-legged animals such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed.
The slaughter of the animal is done after the congregational prayer in the morning of Aidiladha.
The animals are killed in accordance with the proper religious rites and the meat is then distributed.
One third of the meat is given to the individual who made the sacrifice, while the rest is given to the poor and deserving people in the community.
p/s :Semoga Ibu Mertuaku dan Bapa Mertuaku yg sedang menunaikan Haji ketika ini,dapat menjalani ibadah ini dengan sempurna dan mendapat haji mabrur.Semoga suatu hari nanti giliranku pula akan tertunai mengerjakan ibadah ini di tanah suci.Amin.
p/s: Kepada kaum muslimin dan muslimat Selamat Menjalani Ibadah Korban.Salam Aidiladha dari kami sekeluarga.
Special For my lil. baby Aina
Your Birthdate: December 14 |
![]() You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you. It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy! You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around. But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long. Your strength: Your superstar charisma Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you Your power color: Fuchsia Your power symbol: Diamond Your power month: May |
p/s : I wish that!
Monday, December 17, 2007
What's Your Inner Color?
Your Inner Color is Blue |
![]() Your Personality: Your natural warmth and intuition nurtures those around you. You are accepting and always follow your heart.
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Your Birthdate: August 17 |
![]() You tend to find yourself lucky - both in business and in life.And while being wealthy is nice, you enjoy sharing your abundance with others.You put your luck to good use: you are very ambitious and goal oriented.Often times, you get over excited and take on more than you can manage.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Attachment Parenting
Mengikut kajian Dr Sears terdapat 7 attachment tools in AP
- Birth Bonding - Terutamanya di saat kelahiran baby kita,yang amat memerlukan belaian aksih sayang seorang ibu.The days and weeks after birth are a sensitive period in which mothers and babies are uniquely primed to want to be close to one another.
- Breastfeeding - Satu pendekatan untuk kita mengenal lebih rapat baby kita.Mengenal pasti sebarang tanda kelainan, body languange, which is the first step in getting to know our baby. Breastmilk contains unique brain-building nutrients that cannot be manufactured or bought.BF juga memupuk chemistry antara kita n baby.
- Babywearing - Babywearing improves the sensitivity of the parents. Because our baby is so close to us, we get to know baby better.
- Bedding close to baby - Nighttime touch that helps busy daytime parents reconnect with their infant at night. Since nighttime is scary time for little people, sleeping within close touching and nursing distance minimizes nighttime separation anxiety and helps baby learn that sleep is a pleasant state to enter and a fearless state to remain in.
- Belief in the language value of your baby's cry - A baby's cry is a signal designed for the survival of the baby and the development of the parents. Responding sensitively to your baby's cries builds trust. Babies trust that their caregivers will be responsive to their needs. Parents gradually learn to trust in their ability to appropriately meet their baby's needs. This raises the parent-child communication level up a notch
- Beware of baby trainers -AP teaches us how to be discerning of advice, especially those rigid and extreme parenting styles that teach you to watch a clock or a schedule instead of your baby; you know, the cry-it-out crowd. This "convenience" parenting is a short-term gain, but a long-term loss, and is not a wise investment. These more restrained styles of parenting create a distance between you and your baby and keep you from becoming an expert in your child.
- Balance - In your zeal to give so much to your baby, it's easy to neglect the needs of yourself and your marriage. As you will learn the key to putting balance in your parenting is being appropriately responsive to your baby – knowing when to say "yes" and when to say "no," and having the wisdom to say "yes" to yourself when you need help.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Aquaria KLCC
Bukan best sangat pun,w/pun ticket price mahal bangat..mahal ker...bagi aku mahal lah tu...cuma suka2 bawak Aina and her cousins pi keluar sekali sekala,kalo selalu parah jugak lah....Aina ternganga jer lah lagi2 kalo nampak Shark lalu atas kepala dia..tapi dia nie penakut gak...sekejap2 tutup muka kat bahu abah dia..hehhehe..
Tapi ada satu yang buat aku hangin satu badan tadi,camera yang aku bawak tu tak der bateri....hubby aku lagilah bengang...nasib baik lah ader hp aku yang tak secanggih mana...
Sempena Birthday Aina semalam,my SIL belikan birthday cake yg comel bangat untuk Aina,yang sebenarnya kitaorg plan nak sambut nanti Raya Haji,tak pelah sambut dgn cousin2 dia kat sini dululah....thanks Mummy(Aina call her,my SIL) for cute birhtday cake...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
If she was the princess, we were her bodyguard. Her lady-in-waiting. Her everything

* Dah pandai kiss mama and abah dia ...esp. kalo mama kata sayang mama...sayang sweet
* Baru nak start berjalan beberapa langkah..tapi most the time...malas nak berjalan..terus jer merangkak
* Her fav. song is This Old Man...sure dia clap her hand bagai nak rak..
* Her fav. place dalam rumah ialah dapur..
* Her fav. time....masa mandi...tapi make sure air tu kena suam kalo tak sure dia menjerit..
* Fav. word dia..'abah' dan tu......
* Fav. and bird
* Fav. drinks..mestilah SUSUIBU
* Fav. cartoons...Teletubbies
* Fav. food...nasi bersama ikan bilis kisar and mashed potato yg mama masak
* Fav. book...flashcards animal picture esp.
* Pandai picit2 hidung
* Kakak2 kat nursery selalu complain ngan mama..mulut Aina bising..pot pet pot pet all da time...n dah bertambah naughty..sampai kena gigit sebab kacau budak lain....naughty girl!!
Apapun...Happy 1st Birthday to my sweetheart.....
Terima kasih Allah kerana memberi kami berdua sesuatu yang amat berharga akan kami pastikan yang terbaik untuk anak ini dunia dan akhirat-Amin
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Super Relax Week
Yo...this few days nothing much happen..this week has been relax week for me (probably my first relax week in da office for along time)..yer ker?maybe kot..bos taken da leave until next year...(horay!!!),my officemate some of them clear da leave...and me simpan for next week for Raya Haji Holiday(6 days)..coz I deserve for it..
Skg pun..semester break...n dapat lah relax ..clear kan apa2 yg dok serabut nie...
Hubby sent da sms tengah hari tadi.."jom pi zoo,this Saturday..." mimpi aper?
thinking first yah...
Cuti panjang nie,Hubby cadangkan nak pi bercuti.....wei..aku bising tengah budgetlah...sabar erk tunggu bonus erk....mesti dapat tahun nie kan?HOPEFULLY...tapi aku sure tahun nie mesti ader bonus....akan ku tunggu...!!!!
...tadi balik keje my neighbour tegur...nak tahu aper dia buat aku tersenyum lebar sampai skg..."ingatkan sapa tadi,slim erk nampak skg"...hubby aku cam tak caya siap tanya balik "apa kak?slim?"..dengan nada tak puas hati..slim aper...54 kg + 168cm...slim kan?alah...anak baru sorang kan bolehlah maintain lagi...cuba kang masuk 2,3,4,5,6..ish banyak pula..heheh...tak sempat nak maintain kan..? .aku nie takde lah jaga diet sgt...semua sapu..tolak batu kayu jer...alhamdulilahlah skg masih boleh dikawal...
..tadi berjaya menyiapkan projek flashcard for Aina,ala2 Glenn Doman gitu,projek yg dah lama terbengkalai..sampai card manila tu...pun aku tgk cam tak bermaya...kalo ma_danish terbaca entry nie mesti tersenyumkan?
For my little baby Aina,
Beberapa jam lagi dah masuk setahun...tapi aku tetap rasakan dia tu still like a her mum and hubby her 'abah' did love her so much.If she was the princess, we were her bodyguard. Her lady-in-waiting. Her everything.
Birhtday party Aina,dlm rancangan buat masa Raya Haji nanti kat kampung aku....nak buat kat sini malas rasanya.....malas nak mengemas rumah....terukkan aku nie..hehehhe
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Dad and The Breastfeeding Baby
Anak perempuan nie lebih close dgn abah dia ker?tapi tak jugak Aina nie ikut mood gak..time dia nak ngan tak nak lepas.....sebab dia nie kaki ngempeng(dalam istilah jawa)dalam bahasa harian(BF sambil baring)hhehe.Selalunya baby yg BF nie close sgt ngan mum dia kan...even Aina close bangat ngan mama dia nie...alhamdulilah..ngan Abah dia pun close..sebab mama dia selalu tinggal depa berdua terutamanya kalo ader class.Alhamdulilah sejak akhir2 nie ilmu parenting hubby ku tu,dah menampakkan kemajuan..esp time cuci poo poo.
Dad and the Breastfeeding Baby
by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
During this time of transitions, breastfeeding affects family dynamics. Although many couples choose breastfeeding in part for the "closeness" it brings, they are often unprepared for the intensity of this physical link between mother and baby. Nursing is more than feeding; it is an act of intimacy. Breastfeeding hormones relax the mother and heighten her sensitivity to her child, evoking an intense desire to respond to his cries. The nursing baby experiences his mother through all five of his senses, finding security and comfort as well as milk at his mother's breasts.
Since the new father lacks this intense physical link and natural source of comfort, what does this mean to his relationship with his baby? In recent studies, fathers of breastfeeding babies report feelings of frustration and inadequacy because they were unable to easily comfort their babies during their wives' absence. When they realized their relationship with their baby was different from their wives', they felt a sense of loss. Even so, the fathers continued to support breastfeeding because of its many health and emotional benefits. Those who wanted to be most actively involved with their babies reassured themselves that this difference "wouldn't last forever" and found other ways to be involved in their babies' care. Rather than attempting to duplicate the breastfeeding relationship, they found that they could develop their own unique relationship with their children.
In some fathers, though, feelings of frustration and inadequacy cause them to back off and become even less involved in their baby's care, leading to resentment and jealousy at their wives' absorption with the baby. Some fathers perceive the mother-baby bond as a threat.
The adjustment that comes with having a child takes effort and understanding. Instead of allowing misunderstandings about each other's feelings to create a rift, I would suggest that both partners explore and acknowledge their own--and each other's--emotional responses, while at the same time adopting an attitude of, 'How can I be of greatest help in our relationship and our family?'"
No matter how his baby is fed, each new father has an important choice to make. Will he allow himself to feel left out and become a bystander in his baby's care? Or will he take an active role in developing a positive relationship with his baby?
The relationship between father and child is intimately linked to the emotional health of the whole family. The couples' relationship will be affected, as well as the mother's ability to meet her own needs. When a mother has confidence in the father's good relationship with their baby, she will feel freer to take the time she needs for herself. And when she sees her baby and his father happy together, it makes her feel even better about her partner.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Jom Heboh...
Sian tengok Aina berpeluh sakan dia, just sekali round je, berhenti kat booth pun semata2 SIL nak beli something....takder nak menyinggah lama2 pun..tak larat lah..tak sampai sejam pun kita kat situ agak2 SIL puas shopping kitaorg pun baliklah...
Hobi Baru Aina
sexy tak?
jangan makan colour tu sudah yer Aina
Aina ader hobi baru sekarang....hobi menconteng nath aper2 nath.lantaklah asalkan bahagia.Hari nie Sabtu,tak der plan nak pi mana duk umah jer lah...mengamuk jugak si Aina tu tadi ajak abah dia nak pi jalan,bawaklah dia ronda2 kat taman bawah tu..masuk jer umah terus melalak.
Activities Aina on today ialah menonton cd2 kegemaran dia tu....teletubbies and Kids song..abah pulak cuci kereta n pi pasar,mama godek2 pc nie,basuh baju,kemas rumah, masak nasi dan yg masak lauk abahlah..sebab abah lebih terrer dari mama...kihkihkih...
Dalam tak nak pi mana2 tadi hubby teringin pulak pi swimming,pi lah kat Club Golf Bandar Kinrara wuit tak ramai org hari nie, n dapatlah Aina merasmikan swimmming suit baru dia tu...suka betui2 dapat berendam yang kelakarnya underwear tu mama terbeli besarlah saiz M sorry erk Aina,boleh jer lah....
Lepas tu singgah Giant Kinrara pi kat kawasan permainan tingkat atas sekali tu...seronok betul lah dia main....
Friday, December 7, 2007
PC Fair
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Aeman Johan
Aku suka nama nieeeeeeeeeeeeee...nape lah sejak akhir2 nie duk terfikir kan nama for baby boy....tapi aku memang suka nama nie....
tak per...memandangkan plan untuk dapat kan adik for Aina lambat lagi...aku reserve awal2 nama nie dalam blog takut lupa nanti....Aeman Johan
ok ker????
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Aina and Music

Nie tengah kusyuk lah nie..tak berkelip mata
Aina and Music memang tak dapat dipisahkan....tu lah yang aku dapat simpulkan tentang habit dia.Music Music Music aper jenis music dia boleh dengar lagi2 kids songs(tu lah yang paling dia suka)boleh duk depan tv tu sampai habis satu cd, dalam kereta semua lagu dia boleh layan...yang havoc skit lah lagi2 yang rancak-rancak even dangdut pun dia boleh goyang satu badan....BUT yang paling aku suka....time azan alhamdulilah tak berkelip mata dia especially kalo dengar n tengok azan dalam TV sopan jer tengok tau lah menghormati azan...nasib baik dia tak menari sekali...sopan jer anak mama nie time azan...boleh dengar sampai habis...
sebenarnya aku dah dedah kan dia dari music sejk dalam perut lagi tu lah sebab jadi cam gitu......lagi2 abah dia hantu music...nasib baik time preagnent dulu tak ikut abah dia pi jamming kalo pi lagilah rock pun dia bantai sekali goyang....hehehhe
She likes guitar abah dia tu...aper yang syok sangat pun aku tak tahu....lagi2 kalo abah dia mainkan lagu untuk dia alahai lagilah melonjak2 suka...Aina..Aina....awak tu girl bukan boy....tau...
Nie tengah berangan nak hantar class piano coz ada kawan yang boleh ngajarkan...tungulah dia besar skit nanti.....
20 Reasons Why Your Child Should Study Music
by Deborah Torres Patel
All you need to do is visit the kids’ audio/video section of your local CD shop and you will be bombarded with a multitude of educational enhancement products to buy. You may find ‘Baby Einstein’ or ‘Brainy Baby’ and an abundance of similar merchandise to make your child smarter. These types of goods can be a wonderful way to introduce music to your children before the age of three. However, nothing can replace private music lessons for a 3 to 9 year old.
The brain develops at a rapid rate between birth and three and is an essential window for the development of neurons. Therefore, encouraging musical exploration is an easy way to promote intellectual development. Before the age of three, toy instruments can be an excellent introduction to the real thing and group musical play classes can prepare a child for later study. Of course, singing at any age is highly beneficial.
From the age of 3 years old, a child’s brain circuits are mature enough to begin instrumental and/or vocal lessons. Voice is probably the most important instrument because singing is a tremendous gateway to confident communication and full self-expression.
The piano is usually the best musical instrument to start with because it does not require any specific fingering to play. However, children should choose instruments to play by the sounds they like. Kids will practice more if they like the sound of an instrument.
If your child chooses the piano, inexpensive electronic keyboards are a good way to begin because they are very affordable and portable. Many brands on the market today will display the notes on a digital screen while music is being played. These types of keyboards can greatly assist a child to begin to read musical notes and symbols. They also often have built in rhythm and song functions that make singing and dancing along with the music easy.
Since Howard Gardner’s “Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences” in 1983 and Gordon Shaw and Francis Rauscher’s “Mozart Effect” in 1993, there has be much debate and research into whether or not music study can be linked to better academic performance.
The top 20 benefits reported for vocal and instrumental music study are listed below.
1 Music training has been linked to spatial-temporal reasoning skills. (I.e. ability to read a map, put puzzles together, form mental images, transform/visualize things in space that unfold over time, and recognize relationships between objects. These skills are often helpful in science, math, and chess.)
2. Musical symbols, structure, and rhythmic training utilize fractions, ratios, and proportions, which are all important in mathematical study.
3. Increases problem finding/solving, logic and thinking skills like analysis, evaluation and the linkage/organization of ideas
4. Optimizes brain neuron development & circuitry
5.Assists motor development especially coordination of hands, eyes and body
6. Expands multiple intelligences and helps students’ transfer study, cognitive and communication skills from subject to subject in any syllabus
7. Group orchestra or ensemble activities help promote cooperation, social harmony and teach kids discipline while working together toward a common goal.
8.Music augments memory. For example, most people learn their ABC’s by singing them. Repeating a tune in a predictable rhythmic song structure makes memorization easier.
9.Singing is a great way to aid/improve reading ability and instruction. Karaoke is a perfect example. Children may learn a song by ear (auditory) but words on a TV or computer screen provide a simultaneous visual anchor.
10.In vocal music learning rhythm, phrasing, and pitch greatly enhances language, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary skills. This is especially noticeable when using songs in first and second language study.
11. Improves critical reading and writing
12. Raises test scores, decreases performance anxiety, and teaches kids how to handle/manage stress during standardized exams
13. Helps children channel unexpressed and/or negative emotions in a positive way
Boosts creative thinking
14. Reading music and performing memorized pieces help children to think ahead
Improvisation helps people to “think on their feet”
15.Solo performance is connected to self-esteem & self-efficacy. (concept of self capacity) Children learn to reach for their very best.
16.When kids prepare and consistently practice for recital or performance, they work to sing/play without errors. They generally apply similar determination and perseverance to many future endeavors academic or otherwise.
17.Improves understanding of homework and enables a higher levels of concentration
18.Children who study music usually have a better attitude, are more motivated and are less intimidated by learning new things
19.Strong music reading, writing notation, sight singing (solfege), music theory, literacy, and moving the body to music are solid, transferable skills.
20.Learning is a two-way street. For example, one can assume that mathematics can also develop music. Academic achievement links positively with musical achievement and vice versa.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
I like to read this
by Rebecca
1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.
2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.
3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.
4. You respect your body ... finally.
5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.
6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.
7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.
8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.
9. Your heart breaks much more easily.
10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.
11. Every day is a surprise.
12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)
13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.
14. You become a morning person.
15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.
And from our readers...
1. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth." — Ashley's mom
2. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." — Anonymous
3. "You now know where the sun comes from." — Charlotte
4. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have." — Sophie's mom
5. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers." — Roxanne
6. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." — Kellye
7. "Silence? What's that?" — Anonymous
8. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having." — Brenda
9. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." — Ronin and Brookie's mom
10. "You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule." — Thomas' mom
11. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' look instead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one." — Jaidyn's mom
12. "Your dog — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a dog." — Kara
13. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late." — Tracey
14. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." — Jayden's mom
15. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." — Dezarae's mom
Friday, November 23, 2007
Hubby Quitting Smoking....hmmm.
Congratulation dear coz berjaya menahan nafsu for 5 days from smoking.Believe it or not terpaksa juga percaya my hubby decided to quit smoking.Bila dengar hubby buat decision ni I'm quit impressed that he makes healthy change in his life.Bravo hubby...
Yang aku pelik why suddenly, dia buat this decision?pelik gak kan...tapi bila dia cakap sejak2 dua menjak dia baca macam2 negative about this smoking habit..dia jadi takut lah....sebab kesannya dah ada 5% dalam diri dia....n dia bagitau better quit before terlambat..Alahmdulilah.....berjaya juga bebelan aku selama nie...yang telah mengharamkan rokok di dalam rumah dan kereta sejak wujudnya nyer my princess Aina.
Pendapat aku lah,bila hubby said that dia nak quit from smoking kita jangan gelak dulu kot,tapi aku dah gelak dulu bila dia cakap nak quit...sorry erk..but both hubby n wife kena ambil bahagian bagi sema Did you also know that if you quit smoking, these health benefits of quitting for your body would begin to happen almost immediately?
• 20 minutes after you quit smoking your blood pressure and pulse return to normal.
• 8 hours after you stop smoking, the nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood are reduced by fifty percent. Oxygen levels in your body return to normal after you stop smoking.
• 24 hours after you quit smoking, your body rids itself of carbon monoxide. The lungs begin to clear out mucus and smoking debris after you quit smoking.
• 48 hours after you stop smoking, you will not have any nicotine in your body. Your sense of taste and smell will be much stronger after you stop smoking.
• 72 hours after you quit smoking, you will be able to breathe much easier. Your bronchial tubes will start to relax. Your energy level will increase after you have quit smoking for only 72 hours.
• 2 to 12 weeks after you stop smoking, the circulation in your body increases.
• 3 to 9 months after you quit smoking, any breathing problems, coughs, and wheezing will improve. Your lung capacity will be increased by 10% in 3 to 9 months after you stop smoking.
• 5 years after you stop smoking, your risk of a heart attack is going to be half the risk of a smoker's.
• 10 years after you quit smoking, your risk of a heart attack will be the same as someone who never smoked. Your risk of lung cancer is going to be half of that of a smoker's. The health benefits of quitting smoking are very important as you can see here.
When you stop smoking, you will change the course of your life. The health benefits of quitting smoking start immediately. However, it will take time for your body to heal all the way back to normal. The health benefits of quitting are immense. However, health is only one of the reasons to quit smoking. In fact, there are many other reasons to quit smoking such as the ability to taste food better, fewer sore throats and better looking skin and teeth.
Before you look at the challenges and think that you cannot meet them, ask yourself if you are really willing to choose lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease over a little crankiness or the blues. You are not going to choose cancer over a little stress, are you? The health benefits of quitting are going to last you a lifetime. The challenges will ease up within a few weeks.
ngat n motivation n support him.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Kisah 1,2,3,4....
Kisah 1
Aina dah turn up to 11 months..cepat betui membesar anak dara aku tu.The most part yang aku paling suka about habit dia nie...pantang dengar muzik gerenti kaki goyang,tangan goyang,kepala faham jer..tak saper ngaja aku pun tak tahulah.
Just around the corner jer her besday on this December...tak sabar rasanya nak sambut...
Last week,pi ronda2 kat One Utama....dapat lah beli kan dia car toys yang boleh duduk tu..ntah aper ntah namanyer lupa lah....tapi dia duk jer tak tahu lgi nak gerakkan pakai kaki dia tu..agak2 boring duk atas tu jeritlah mintak tulun............
Pi kawasan rainforest ...dapat gak belikan CD 'song' for her just RM5 jer n Rhytym Nursery Song book just RM 2 jer..oklah.
Kisah 2
This 26 Nov,my MIL and FIL akan mengerjakan Haji...alhamdulilah tercapai jugak hajat diaorg nak pi this year..maybe hubby jer kot balik Penang....aku tak dapat cuti lah...haritu raya dah cuti seminggu,Deepavali pun aku bantai cuti pnjg gak,nie nak exam aku ambik 3 hari cuti lagi,next month in plan nak ambik 1 week cuti sempena raya Haji n Chrismats...kalo aku ambik on this 26 menjelinglah officemate kat aku hehehhe....bos ok kot...tapi memang tak boleh ambik gak kalo tak menimbun lagi lah kejer yg aku perlu settle kan.
Tai tu satu hal,yg satu hal nyer nie aku ngan hubby kan satu office kalo ambik cuti kan dua2 takder kan ker naya..
Ta k perlah...PIL pun baru dtg ini last week sekurang2nya aku dah jumpa diaorg sebelum berangkat nanti kan..yg penting ank dia tu aka hubby lah yg wajib balik!!!!
Kisah 3
Tadi pi ambik cheque kat EPF,bukan untuk aku ,nak bayar fee next sem..boring jer...yg penting claim aku yg RM600 tu dah masuk....cepat gak diaorg buat keje satu minggu jer proses dah dapat duit...baguih betui...semapt lah pi buat penama..hubby pun aku paksa sekali buat...kalo tak tak buat2.....lah jawab nyer.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Apa nak letak niee??//
1. Kat tempat keje...menimbun kerja yg perlu aku settlekan....yelah dah hujung tahunkan.....nie pun rasa lega skit dah settle 3/4 .heheh
2. Assignment aku....semua due after raya .3 assignment aku kena settle kan..n skg dah hantar pun....lega
3. sekarang nie duk bergelumang ngan 2 week start exam.....arghhhhh..
4. last week my little baby demam..merengek jer....poning den
5. class tuition pun last week abis...for SPM...coz next week diaorg dah start exam..
cuma form 4,2,1 jln cam biasa....still under control:-)
6. sekarang nie aku didatangi penyakit lupa...semua aku lupa...lupa mana key aku letak,password blog nie pu aku boleh lupa, sikit2 lupa...naper aku nie erk????????????
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Selamat Hari Raya
Tadi lunch sempat lah pi menyinggah kat Masjid India....mak oiii ramainya org ...sebenarnya pi ngan hubby tadi saja nak cari buah tangan nak bagi MIL..balik umah mentua lah katakan kenalah ambik hati skit..walaupun dalam hati nie meronta2 nak beraya kat Johor...ishhhhhhh.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Raya ?
Second year,I'm pegnant kan Aina..that time double excited akhirnya dapat gak beraya with my mum n family..n atuk kesayangan ku.Dapat lah beraya sakan masa tu even perut aku tgh memboyotkan Aina masa tu.Sian ling,dia pulak 1st time beraya jauh dari family..yelah selama nie duk bawah ketiak mak jer...anak mami lah katakan.
This year,terpaksalah ikut ling turn to back Penang...but aku tak kisah walaupun sebenarnya aku memang kisah.......huhuhuhu....tapi yang paling best this year we will celebrate with my cute,my little,my heart,my inspire,my lovely daughter Aina....yes.....I've a baby.....n I'm so excited to raya with my mum,waiting me maybe on 5th raya I'll back to N9.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Busy weekdays and weekend
Last weekend sempat lah berbuka ngan my sis n SIL ,makan ramai2 baru best skit erk.
Aina skg dah banyak menunjukkan perubahan...ishhh dah pandai nk kedekut toys kalo dia tengah main jangan harap kita nak ambil gerenti menjerit garang betui budak nie...kecik2 dah pandai....
sabtu nie maybe balik kampung aku...yelah raya tahun nie tak dapat raya sana...kena turn balik Penang tahun nie...nasib badan lah..........
Friday, September 14, 2007
First Ramadahan
Tadi sahur sempat goreng ikan keli lagi,buat oat,makan nasi sampai sendat perut aku, yelah nak make sure supaya bekalan susuibu aku nie cukup for Aina n supaya aku tak der le lapar coz Breastfeeding.Baguih jugak minum oat nie rasa bertenaga jer sepanjang hari.
Tadi buka puasa,beli lauk dah sip jer,pi bazar kat Bandar Kinrara, beli masak lemak ikan keli(ikan nie laie),paru goreng kicap,sambal ikan bilis petai,kuih ubi,kuih pelita n tu jer kot.Tak baik beli byk membazir kan amalan evil.hheehe..
Nasib baik Aina tak dok ngacau masa berbuka tadi..upah dia tgk Teletubbies..leka lah kejap.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Selamat Menghayati Bulan Ramadhan
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
My Best Friends

Yang berdiri kat atas tu dari kiri Wahida and Shida
Gambar duduk tu aku ler (tudung pink) and yang comel tapi tak cute tu hehhe Padel aka Dyela....Heny!!!mana gambor ko?Ain ko pun tak der??????
Monday, September 10, 2007
Busy weekend
Thanks Wahida coz bagi Aina...cute sangat baju tu...aku doa kan semoga korang pulak lepas nie dapat baby...Ida,rezeki tak kemana key...
Lepas direct terus pi rumah SIL kat Pandan Mewah coz tidur sana malam nanti,Sunday aku ader class,nanti abah dia jaga sorang boring pulak....
Sunday, class start on 10.15 am,tapi class economy and math cancel lah pulak.Sampai baru aku tahu...ishh bengong betu lah cam gini, dah lah dtg dr Ampang ke Bangi bukan dekat oiiiii.
Nasib baik management class ada.
Hubby pick up me on 2.30 pm.bawak Aina sekalik...ishh risau aku sebab Aina nie bukan nak duduk dalam car seat...letak jer gerenti meraung tak nak..nasib baik tidur, kalo tak atas perut abah dia lah dia duduk.Dah berbuih mulut aku bising pasal nie.Aina pun sama tak nak langsung duduk dalam car seat tu padahal aku dah dok training dia dok dalam tu dari kecil..dah besar gini pandailah memilih...kalo meraung sikit2 tu boleh lah tahan ni meraung siap dengan aksi ganas dia tu.........ishhhhhhhhh
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Lepas Geram
Yang bertambah geram tu,aku punya lah carefull masa sterika tu...takut pisang berbuah berpuluh kali tapi kena jugak...memang sterika tu dah bengong...!!!!!:-(
Sian hubby aku pagi tadi..jadi mangsa aku melepaskan geram..yelah sterika tu bukan faham kalo aku bising2 kat sterika bengong tu.......sorri ek darling...:-)
conclusion,lepas nie aku kena beli sterika baru aka main2 masa sterika kalo carefull pun kena jugak :-(..
Citer aku bersama sterika bengong
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
"Bosan" is just a word!!!
Aku try to avoid "bosan" in my life...aku try seeking motivation, then trying to stay motivated and aku looking someone/ something that will inspire me to go on with my life.
Bosan @ Bored....How can aku will be bored?aku ada my little Baby to take care, my caring Husband to pamper, my commitment either work @ study.....and aku ada Allah and a guide
My mum call me workholic and always remembered me...about my responsibility...aku never stopped...while do not get what aku impikan.
To my friends who are bored or unhappy with your life do it something that u will never regrets.My hubby always remembered me " Life is to short to be sad"
Joyce Meyer said: “Without vision, we atrophy and become bored and hopeless.
-Do you have a vision for your life?
-Do you wake up early because you are so excited about what you get to do today with the mission God gave you?
-If not, are you ready for a little excitement and passion?
-Are you willing to surrender to living a life on purpose?
Welcome baby Putri Qistina Aishah
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Balik Kampung
My sis dah sampai dulu sebab dia start cuti on Thursday...sukalah cousin Aina tu,si YUYU and AYOI bila namapak mangsa buli diaorg datang..hehehe.
Esok balik Segamat to attend my cousin wedding.Maybe tidoq umah atuk,lama tak balik tengok mane lah atuk aku tu...
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Holiday Mood
Balik esok pagi bertolak awal sikit lah,takut jem kat Senawang,kat Bukit Putus, dah lah hubby aku tu anti jem, lagilah buat muka toye dia kang.
Banyak pulak lah kerje kat office nie,aku punya Asst Manager time nielah sibuk tu tak siap nie tak siap,Hubby aku senang jer sound kat dia "nak berak baru korek lubang" hehheeh kena sekalik...kihkihkih...
Petang nie bawak Aina pi buat check up kat KPMC semalam dah buat appointment ngan ENT,sebab telinga dia keluar liquid mcm flu,maybe effect from flu dia kot,tapi tgk dah kurang sikit,aku dok lah telefon Pusat Rawatan Islam kat Puchong tu patutlah tak dapat,sebab dah tutup rupanya.ish..ish..baru aku tahu..
Aku tengah sakit gigi nie, tapi malas nak pi clinic. telan pil Hurix tadi ok lah sikit.Kena pi jugak nie,macam berlubang jer...pi tampal n suruh dia cuci sekalik...ishhhh...duit lagi.Arghhhhh....buat klinik kerajaan murah ek,bila lah aku nak pi..sana...menunggu lagi....bab nie lah yang aku malas.
Malam nie,nak pi maner?malam merdeka nie?Giant Bandar Kinrara baru buka,memang nak beli pampers Aina nie...tak kuasa aku nak tgk fireworks tu, baik membuta kat rumah..ishhh tak patriotik lah aku nie....Tak per yang penting semangat patriotik tu walaupun tak nampak dalam hati kita jer yang tahu.Bukan aper malas nak bawak Aina keluar malam kesian kat dia.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Mandarin Part III
Today,about "Time"=shí jiān
miǎo zhōng - second
fēn zhōng - minute
xiǎo shí - hour
tiān- day
xīng qī- week
yuè- month
zǎo chén- morning
zhōng wǔ- noon
xià wǔ- afternoon
xīng qī yī- Monday
xīng qī èr- Tuesday
xīng qī sān- Wednesday
xīng qī sì- Thursday
xīng qī wǔ- Friday
xīng qī liù- Saturday
xīng qī tiān- Sunday
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ronda2 ke Time Square
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Versi Tok Mak dah balik and Ayu Kahwin

Lepas hantar mak terus kitaorg pi Shah Alam lalu NKVE cepat skit,coz ex-classmate Uitm kahwin "Selamat Pengantin Baru Ayu!!"la ingat ramai lah member lama datang tapi yg aku nampak aku n Padel jer.....emmmmmmmmm....Heny tengah sarat tu sebab tu tak datang tunggu masa jer nak meletup.
Ishhh..penat betui...balik Shah Alam terus balik rumah jer..tak larat lah nak merayau lagi.kul 3 lebih sampai rumah sempat lah membuta dengan Aina.
Lapar pulak perut nie,tak puas kot makan nasi minyak.Puas fikir nak makan kat ner sebab malas nak memasak,teringat Jalan2 cari makan pi Simply Penang kat Bandar Puteri Puchong...apalagi lepas Maghrib vrooommmm..lah keta pi sana.Aku order keow tiaw sup...hubby order makanan favourite dia asam laksa lah....Aina order?Bawak bekal dia hehehe.....oklah.....sedap jugak...
Pastu balik....tidoq..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Friday, August 24, 2007
MPH sales

Eastern Mall.ABC songs and words flash card For Aina.
Both of this 30% off.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Petang yang bosan

kes boring tahap gaban la nie, dok dekat tingkap dalam office tiba2 dapat idea merapu.....ambil gambar klcc..................bosan sungguh pemandangan.Tengok hutan batu month 7 Sept ader MATTA Fair kat PWTC,aku ngan hubby dah plan nak cari pakej yg sesuai untuk bercuti.....last year dah bayar booking ke Langkawi last2 cancel tak jadi pergi,yelah tgh sarat mengadung......this year nak bawak my little Aina bercuti Langkawi jugak kot...............Last eyar dapat pakej RM350 for 3 days 2 night (2 person) ok lah, Hotel 4 star depan pantai gitu,dapat kereta sewa free,ticket kabel car, breakfast for 2, pusing2 pulau...........tapi tak pi tu yg sedih tu..tahun ni kena pie jugak aku tak peduli.............
nak tengok gambar Aina duduk?


Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Mandarin Part II
0 - ling
1 - yi`
2 - er
3 - san
4 - si`
5 - wu`
6 - li`u
7 - qi`
8 - ba`
9 - ji`u
10 - shi`
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Bahasa Mandarin

Tiba-tiba tergerak hati aku untuk belajar Bahasa Mandarin,semuanya gara-gara pelajar aku yang majoritinya 99% cina.Nie sebab kes malam semalam la,bila aku suruh dia orang buat karangan ,dia orang try to translate Mandarin to Malay.mana lah aku faham Mandarin dok suruh aku terangkan.English boleh lah aku translate kan cerita dia orang.duk fikir2 bagus juga kalo aku belajar Manadrin nie,bukan ape kat office nie majoritina cina aku sorang jer tersesat kat sini,kalo depa duk ngumpat aku mana aku faham ek.Sekurang2nya kalo aku belajar Mnadarin boleh lah aku faham sikit2.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Tok Mak datang

hari ni Tok Mak dan ucu dtg....Tok Mak @ mak aku sis pi ambil kat kampung ye la skg cuti sekolah ucu ramai2 pi umah adik lelaki kitaorg kat Subang coz dia pindah rumah kuaters Bank Negara.Bujang lagi duk sorang.....alahai anak mak aku sorang nie..ngalah perempuan...rumah complete.Semalam teman kan dia pi IKEA an C4 shopping barang rumah dia.Dari senduk sampailah washing machine.lama gak lepak...sampai hubby aku sakit pinggang tolong angkat peti sejuk sampai tingkat 4...hehe..padan muka exercise skit.Aina still demam lagi monyok jer..tak nak langsung entertain diri dia......duk cari mama lain langsung tak pandang tapi ngan uncle Alif dia nak lak (adik aku ler).
oklah....kuaters but complete ngan almari 2 ,katil n tilam 2 set,kabinet, sofa,meja makan...tak yah nak pening2 kepala.Untung betui adik aku sorang nie.Bagus gak dia dok sorang....kita orang adik beradik boleh pi melepak umah dia selalu.....hehehhe
Malam nie mak tidur umah sis aku dulu, maybe tuesday night turn umah aku lak....
Nasib baik anak 4 org jer kalo ramai pening kepala mak aku..nak tido umah saper....
Abah tak datang busy jer......
Saturday, August 18, 2007
hAPPy bIRThday To Me...and Aina teething problems

What teething symptoms will my baby experience?
• Drooling (which can lead to a facial rash)
• Gum swelling and sensitivity
• Irritability or fussiness
• Biting behavior
• Refusing food
• Sleep problems
Thursday, August 16, 2007
MIL "High Blood Pressure"
Try to surf net tadi,to get more information about this:
What is high blood pressure?
When you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, the force of blood against your artery walls is too strong. High blood pressure can damage your arteries, heart, and kidneys, and lead to atherosclerosis and stroke. Hypertension is called a "silent killer'' because it does not cause symptoms unless it is severely high and, without your knowing it, causes major organ damage if not treated.
Your blood pressure measurement consists of two numbers:
systolic and diastolic.
The systolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls when the heart has just finished pumping (contracting). It is the first or top number of a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 140 above
Prehypertension : 120 - 139
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is: 119 or below
The diastolic measurement is the pressure of blood against your artery walls between heartbeats, when the heart is relaxed and filling with blood. It is the second or bottom number in a blood pressure reading.
High pressure : 90 or above
Prehypertension : 80 - 89
Normal adult (age 18 or older) blood pressure is:79 or below
What causes high blood pressure?
In most cases, a doctor may not be able to pinpoint the exact cause of your high blood pressure. But several factors are known to increase blood pressure, including obesity, heavy alcohol use, family history of high blood pressure, high salt intake, and aging. A sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake, low calcium intake, and resistance to insulin may also cause your blood pressure to rise.
What are the symptoms?
Usually you will not feel any warning signs or symptoms of high blood pressure, and you will not know you have it until a health professional takes a blood pressure reading. Hypertension develops slowly and can cause serious organ damage, usually without any symptoms.
If you develop severe high blood pressure, you may have headaches, visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting. Malignant high blood pressure (hypertensive crisis), which is hypertension that rises rapidly, can also cause these symptoms. Untreated malignant hypertension can damage the brain, heart, eyes, or kidneys. It is a medical emergency that requires immediate hospitalization.
Over time, if you do not receive treatment for your high blood pressure, you may experience symptoms caused by damage to your heart, kidney, or eyes, including coronary artery disease, stroke, and kidney (renal) failure.
How is high blood pressure diagnosed?
Most people find out they have high blood pressure during a routine doctor visit. To confirm that you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure must reach or exceed 140/90 mm Hg on three or more separate occasions. It is usually measured 1 to 2 weeks apart. Except in very severe cases, the diagnosis is not based on a single measurement.
What increases my risk of developing high blood pressure?
Several factors increase your risk for high blood pressure. Some of them are lifestyle issues you can control.
Lifestyle issues you can control to lower your risk of developing high blood pressure include obesity and not being active or exercising, drinking alcohol (three drinks a day or more), eating a lot of salty or processed foods, and not getting enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium in your diet.
Risk factors you can't control include a family history of high blood pressure, your race (being African-American increases your risk), and aging. Ninety percent of people who, at age 55, do not have hypertension will eventually develop it. 1